chapter 2

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Lucy's p.o.v
   I woke up again, looking at the clock, it was past midnight. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to sleep during the day... I stretched until I felt that satisfying pop. It's been 6 days since I went to the guild, maybe I should stop sulking and do something. I grabbed my clothes and retreated to the shower, once I was finished I settled with my normal attire. I walked to the guild with a sullen look on my face.

  "Hi lu-chan!" Levy yelled. I put a fake smile on and wave "hiyyaa levy-chan!" I walked up to her and we talked about our favorite books and authors. After a few minutes, levy went back to reading. I walked towards the bar and ordered a strawberry milkshake. I heard natsu come in the guild, calling out for the team. "Guys let's take a mission!" Nastu yelled out. Gray, Erza,  Wendy, and I all got up and walked to the request board. They all looked surprised to see me. "Lucy... Your actually out of your apartment" Gray said. I nodded, smiling slightly. Natsu stared at me, "Lucy.. I don't think you should go on this mission" Natsu said seriously. I narrowed my eyes, "why not? " I said lowly. Erza, gray, and Wendy looked at him shocked. "Natsu why don't you want Lucy to come?" Wendy asked confused, I looked at her and smiled, "No he's right Wendy... maybe I shouldn't go..." I tell her. She looked at me concerned, "Is there something wrong? Are you sick or hurt?" Wendy asks while examining me. I shook my head at the innocent dragon slayer, "No I'm fine wendy, no need to worry" I say smiling. "If thats the case, then there should be no reason why you can't go, now everyone go pack for the mission and meet at the train station by 5" Erza demanded. I can't argue with that, so I just looked over at natsu and seen that he was looking at me in disgust. My heart sunk, it hurt knowing that he hated me. It hurts knowing that my best friend is disgusted of me, I hated life, I hated that I of all people had to end up as natsu's mate. Even though I love him, it was better back then, before we knew we were mates, before he rejected me...

        I just wanted my best friend back, why can't things go back to the way they were. I sighed and looked down, avoiding his piercing gaze. I turned around and went to the table where Lisanna, Wendy, and carla were sitting. I slumped into my seat and smiled weakly at the two mages, "whats wrong lucy?" lisanna asked concerned. I smiled more, I don't have the heart to tell this sweet girl that the man she loves is my mate, and the reason why I feel this way is because I loved him so much, and he rejected me. She would blame herself for my pain, and I wouldn't want that, I used all the power I had to force a bright smile, "there's nothing wrong lisanna, I was just bummed that My favorite book sold out, so I couldn't read it" I whine a little, pretending to pout. "Awe I'm sorry, maybe next time we could go together and try to find a better book?" she suggested. I didn't really feel like going anywhere soon but agreed nevertheless, "of course! you're the best lisanna" I said, sounding as happy as I can, and adding a little wink. Lisanna seemed convinced and smiled back at me.

   She soon started chatting away with Wendy and Carla again, leaving me with my thoughts. I seen Wendy steal a few glances at me, I smiled at her, but her eyes held pity. I looked away, looking down at the floor, I looked at the time and noticed it was 3:50. "Alright girls, I think I'm going to head back to my apartment to get ready for the mission" I say laughing a bit. They both turned to me and smiled, "alright lucy, be safe" Lisanna said cheerfully. "I'll see you in a bit, lucy-san" Wendy replied. I stood up and walked quickly out the guild, I opened the two big oak doors and breathed in the fresh air. The guild reminded me too much of natsu, tears pricked my eyes, but I wiped them away.

    I walked slowly over to my home, wanting to waste some time. I finally reached my apartment and opened the door, it was dark and depressing. I turned on the lights and slumped onto my bed. I looked at the time again, 4:30, I sighed. I'm going to have to meet up with the team again, not looking forward to that. I got up and walked over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror, my eyes looked empty. Who knew the damage that love could do to you, I chuckled emptily and shook my head before  heading out. It took me 10 minutes to reach the train station, like always, I'm the first one there. I sat on a little bench and waited for the rest of the team. My mind wandered a bit, I ended up thinking of natsu... His beautiful smile that made me light up inside. His laugh, his voice, his eyes, the way he is so protective of the guild, he's just... Perfect. My eyes darkened in sadness, I wasn't good enough for someone like him, mate or not, of course he would choose lisanna. She's like an angel, while I'm a dumb, weak blonde.

   I took a shaky breath, maybe I should come up with an excuse so I don't have to go. I started thinking of possible excuses, until Wendy, Erza, and gray showed up. "Ahhh flame brain is always late" Gray grumbled. "The train is gonna leave in a few minutes" Erza mumbled out impatiently. Suddenly we heard the pouring of footsteps, we seen natsu running with lisanna and happy behind him. "Lisanna?" Wendy said confused, the white haired mage smiled. "Natsu asked me to join you guys" She said happily. "Alright then, let's go" Erza said demanding. We all boarded the train, I sat next to Wendy and gray. While natsu, lisanna, and Erza sat across from us...

Heyyyy guys 😂
I'm back on this account ✌

I've been busy with school, and I have another account that I've been busy with 😂

Hope you enjoyy~

the rejected mateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz