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Slowly, the man on the bed began to stir. Blinking to readjust his eyes, he slowly sat up and carefully observed the person sleeping beside him.

Face half buried in the pillow, dried drool staining the otherwise pristine white pillows. But even that couldn't distract from the adorableness of the petite figure enclosed within the fluffy duvet. Carefully standing up, he tried to avoid disturbing the others' beauty sleep.

Yawning lazily, he stooped down to collect the clothes strewn across the room before dressing himself in the, now crinkly, garments. Turning back to the bed, he once again lay down next to the defenceless creature sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Leaning closer to the other person on the bed, he stared for while. Soft hair perfectly framing an angelic face, long eyelashes, cute button nose, rosy cheeks and small petal pink lips buried in the fluffy white pillow.

He raised his finger to slowly trace those lovely features once more. A small smile resting on his lips, his gentle eyes hid complex emotions as he stared at the sleeping face. With a fluid motion, he drew closer to the other and gently kissed the other's temple. Regret briefly flashed in his eyes before being replaced by a neutral expression.

Getting up from the bed a second time, he took an envelope out from the inner pocket of his jacket and placed it on the pillow he was previously lying on.

Making his way toward the door, he turned back one last time and looked at the beauty on the bed.

Stepping outside on to the balcony, the cold night air quickly snapped the man out of his thoughts. Looking down on the street below, he watched the ant-sized people scurrying around the streets below.

Only at night did the city truly come alive.

The once dazzling light now seemed glaring and harsh. Now, he could see beyond the illusory mask of beauty the city wore and it dawned on him that perhaps he would've been happier if he'd just abandoned his dreams like his parents told him to. Well, it was too late for that anyway.

Gripping the fence, he nimbly climbed over and balanced himself on the narrow edge. Glancing back, he saw the angel still sleeping quietly on the bed. Now was his last chance to turn back, to be happy and forget this ever happened... but, he couldn't do that. Not now. Not when he'd already come this far.

Diverting his attention back to the street, he closed his eyes and stopped to appreciate the silence. Releasing his grip on the rail, he allowed himself to fall.

Finally, finally, he could end this torture.


And with that, he finally finishing writing the draft. Massaging his sore neck, he stood up from the desk and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. Before he could sit back down though, his phone buzzed violently on the desk. Sighing to himself, he set his coffee down on the coaster and collapsed on the chair.

"They say that every time you sigh, some happiness escapes"

Ignoring the voice in his head, the man picked up the phone.

"Hel...yeah, yeah I just finished, it's no...oh,'ll be fine, they'll go crazy over this one...yeah...ok...I'll send it now...alright, later."

"Y'know, it's rude to just ignore people like that."

Sighing once again the man yawned and squinted his eyes to try and check the time on the laptop screen.

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