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Well well I sure did take my time upon returning to you my fellow Detectives. Oh how I've missed you all (well not really)

Some of you might be wondering why have I taken so long to return, and my reason for your curiosity is the fact that I have been wandering around finding new tales and new mysteries to share with you.

I do hope your skills have not dulled in the past few years my fellow Detectives, or you will find my mysterious and puzzles pointless.

Now unlike the last time we met, that story was all just a big warm up, or more of the term "Origin" as some of you would call it.

Since after all it wasn't much of a mystery but a thriller of a tale down memory lane, I sure hope you enjoyed it. Though such a shame not many detectives were very involved as much as I had hoped.

Oh I must apologies for not giving a proper introduction to you all

My name is —Siren—

Meaning "loud but invisible to see"

How I got this name, well only the old detectives know that truth, but for you newcomers who are reading this through your electronic screen well — Figure it out

Let's try a test run to see if you can handle the simplest of puzzles

Read The Names
Now do keep in mind there not gonna be as simple as this one detectives, as you can see it's a warm up for your sleeping minds

Here's another one a little harder but if your smart you will be able to figure it out




So many secrets to find

Oh I'm wondering if you will ever find the truth or will you only find a part of it detectives.

Now I should give you a warning for those weak of the stomach some mysterious have graphic details and even sickening outcomes.

So are you prepared to play the game detectives

Hope to see you soon.


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