Best birthday ever

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Jody started:
- Okay, so you know where I lived before I was put into care?
- Yeah, Tyler nodded.
- At the same street a couple of houses away Holly lived, and in a other house a bit down the street lived Alice and Nelly too. And once I was on my way to run away when noone was at home except for me, and on my way down the street I firat saw Holly. She saw me and we talked for a while then she came with me, the same happend with Alice and Nelly. And since then we allways have been sisters.
- Wait what?! Sisters? Tyler looked confused.
- No not blood sisters, but still sisters. ( J )
- Okay, continue. ( T )
- Well, I don't know how to explaine. Help me. Jody looked at Holly.
- We was in the same situation, all of us had a hard time at home. I used to live with my dad, he was a alcoholic and I bet he still is. Now I lives with my foster parents, I was fostred at the same time they took Jody in to care. ( H )
- I'm sorry about your dad... ( T )
- And I lived with my dad and we had it good until he got this new girlfriend. She allways shouted at me and looked me up. My dad allways said that he was sorry when she wasn't there, but he was to scared to tell her to stop. She used to rough me up. Then I getted fostred too, at the same time as Holly and Jody got in to care. It's almost weird!
- I'm sorry for you too. What about you? Tyler looked at Nelly.
- Okay so I lived with mom and dad, they allways fighted and dad used to steal stuff. Then there was an accident, he was hit by a car and died. Mom couldn't cope so she took it all out on me, she said it was my fault and hit me loats. Then I got fostred too! At the same time. ( N )
- I'm sorry for all of you. But how long did you know each other before you all got foster parents and Jody got into care? ( T )
- In two years. We allways looked out for each other. Once when dad's girlfriend was on her way to hit me they took them blame. We all did it for each other. Alice smiled at them.
- Well, then I get your pretty close! ( T )
- Yeah, if we wouldn't have each other then we all should have getted loats more bruises. ( N )
- Wait, ALL of you?! Tyler looked at Jody.
- Um... Tyler.. I... Jody didn't know what to say.
- Did Kingsley hurt you?! You never told me!! Tyler looked at her sad and angry at the same time.
- I'm sorry Ty, please don't tell Mike! Jody begged him.
- Ahh I won't. But tell me the truth from now on, okay? ( T )
- Promise. Jody smiled at him.
- Um... We're just going to get... Your gift! Holly said and Nelly and Alice came out with her.
Tyler layed a arm around her.
- Soo you'll get my gift later. ( T )
Jody looked down and blushed a bit. Tyler noticed but he didn't say anything, he just smiled and gave her a hug. She hugged him back. Then he rememberd something.
- Jody, has this something to do with ' Covergirls don't cry '? ( T )
- Do I have to tell you? It's nothing bad... It's just in the past and I want it to stay there. ( J )
- Okay you don't have to tell me. I trust you. But you know you don't have to forget the good things in the past. ( T )
Tears started to stream out from Jodys eyes. Tyler pulled her closer to him and hugged her. " It's okay Jodes. " She pulled away, but keept starring in his eyes. There was something special with his eyes, when you starts to watch in them you can't stop. Jody tried so hard to look away but she was stuck. Tyler removed some of her hair from her face and placed it on her back, his hand stayed on her back. Tyler leaned in...
- Here we got it! Alice said and the girls run in. Tyler and Jody quickly pulled apart and blushed.
- Thanks, Jody said as they handed it over.
She opend it and gasped.
- Ohhhh thank you so much!!! They all huged.
- What is it? ( T )
- It's a photobook with old pictures of us! ( J )
Later after having a great time together and all of them promised to meet up soon again the girls left. It's was late and everyone had gone to bed.
Tyler was outside Jodys door and knocked. Jody went to open it. She saw Tyler with a smile and a big bag. " Come in " she smiled and closed the door after him.
- What's that? Jody looked at the bag.
- I know you don't like girly stuff and things like that. So insted of giveing you something you don't want I've planed something. ( T )
- Stop tease me! Just tell what's the suprise? ( J )
- Haha okay, I thought we could have a movie night in here all night! I have the computer, loats of new movies, popcorn, biscuits... Tyler was cut of by Jody.
- Tyler It's great!!! She jumped up in his arms and hugged him.
Tyler laughed and said:
- I thought you didn't like birthdays.
- Shout up! But, are we allowed? All night? ( J )
- Um... Not really but we can be quite and use headphones. Plus Mike has already checked everyone is in bed. ( T )
- I'm sooo in! Jody laughed.
They sat next to each other in Jodys bed and started the movienight.
About two hours later.
Tyler looked down at Jody, she had fallen asleep in his lap. He smiled and stroke her cheek, she looked so cute when she layed there. Tyler leaned down and soft kissed her forehead. She slowly opend her eyes and blushed. " Um... Jody I'm sorry I didn't think! " Tyler said and looked at her as she sat up. What dose this means? Dose he like me, I mean really like me? Jody thought, she was confused. She looked up at him and they maked eye contact, Jodys heart started to beat faster, she felt that feeling... Maybe Candi and the girls was right? Think if she loved Tyler. She had to do something she couldn't just sit there and starr at him as an idiot. She took a deep breath, placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned in. Tyler smiled as he understod what she was going to do, he leaned in too and placed his hand on her back. Then it happend. Tyler could feel her soft lips kiss his, he smiled through the kiss then kissed her back. They broke apart and Jodys face was complely red. Jody layed down and Tyler next to her, before they feld asleep in each others arms Jody mutterd " Best birthday ever ".

It has finaly happen!!! But is that it? They are now together? Or was it just a " birthday kiss "? Hope you liked this chapter, keep your eyes open for next chapter!

Jyler ~ In love with your best friend Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora