chapter five

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It's finally the weekend. I love working at the cafe, but it's nice to have a break. I woke up at six and changed into some black jeans and my 'thing one' t-shirt. I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way out the house, before my parents woke up.

I headed to the local bakers to grab something for breakfast. I decided to go for a pancake and some orange juice. I thanked the lady as she passed me over the bag. I left the baker and made my way to the park.

I've always loved the park. I love nature in general, to be fair. This park has a duck pond. It's like an escape for me, because it's always so quiet. No one really comes here anymore.

When I was younger my parents weren't really alcoholic. But they always took me to the park. Back then I didn't really care about the duck pond, it had been there for years and no one else paid attention to it so neither did I. I was much more interested in the swings and the slide.

But as I got older, and my parents drank more, the duck pond became more important to me. It was a place where I could be by myself. I've never been one to love attention. I'd rather be unnoticed if I'm honest. The duck pond was a place were I could cry and no one would ask me what's wrong, because no one came around.

So it came as a shock when I sat on the bench to eat my pancake when I noticed another person sat at on the other bench opposite the pond. They had their legs against their chest and their arms wrapped around their legs. Their head was buried into their knees so I couldn't see their face. I tried my best to ignore them but I couldn't, because I could tell they weren't okay.

I sighed and ate my pancake, tossing the little paper bag into the bin. I stood up and made my way over. This place was really overgrown.

I sat down at the opposite side of the bench. I looked at the boy and he seemed familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. I don't think he's realised I'm here. I thought about what to say for a moment.

"Hey... uh, are.. are you okay?" I asked, shuffling closer. The boy's head instantly lifted at my voice. I jumped as the action caught me off-guard. He turned to look at me and then I recognised him.


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