Chapter 38: Absolute sense of taste (3)

Começar do início

"What do you think about Emily's proposal?"
"If you are talking about me becoming an epicurean, then I think that I won't even have to think twice about it"

Jo Minjoon didn't even hesitate and replied. And he thought that Alan was going to like that answer. However, there couldn't be seen any changes in Alan's expression. Alan said in a low voice.

"It's a good proposal."

Because it was way too unexpected, Jo Minjoon's voice flowed trembling. Alan said calmly.

"Being a chef is a hard and arduous job. You have to work when others eat, and even if you don't smoke, there are many cases where you end up with lung cancer because of the repeated use of oil. You have to be in front of fire in summer, and in winter, you have to put your hands in ice water."
"... ... ..."

Jo Minjoon didn't say a word and just listened to him. He believed that Alan wasn't really telling him to become an epicurean. He wanted to believe so. Alan continued talking.

"An epicurean is different than being a food critic. It's not suited to you. You have talent in cooking. But it's not as much as tasting food. I think that you will be more successful as an epicurean than a chef. However."

Alan got up from the sofa. He threw the magazine he had in his hands to the bookshelf and opened his mouth.

"I hope that you won't give up the road to becoming a chef. Even if you are threatened by lung cancer, accidents, heat or cold, I hope you become a chef. The reason why I'm standing here right now is because of that. Because it was obvious that you would get seduced by that woman, Emily."
".......You are worrying for nothing. That proposal wasn't charming at all. I am going to become a chef."
"No. It is charming. Even if you don't feel it like that right now, the day that you feel it as such will come. It's something that you can't help it if you are human. The people who saw the dishes will imagine through them the good life of the chefs, but what really is in the kitchen is reality and pain. Cooking in your house and in a restaurant is different."

Jo Minjoon didn't reply back. He couldn't say that in the past, no, in the future he had worked as the youngest chef in a restaurant. But it was also a funny thing if he said that he understood all of the hardship with just that experience. Alan said in a low voice. The voice seemed to be coming from a teacher teaching his young student. That voice was the same he had when he used to teach, so Jo Minjoon could feel Alan's goodwill. That's why he didn't say a thing.

"It's not that I'm disregarding your passion for cooking. I'm just saying these things to let you know that it's really difficult"
"......I have something to ask."
"Yes. Tell me."
"Why are you treating me this well?"

For Jo Minjoon, he could only be curious. Just now, he had said with his own mouth that he was more talented in tasting than cooking. Then why?

Alan replied.

"You can't make something you don't know. It's the same for flavor. If you do know the flavor, then you can also bring it out. And I'm curious as to what kind of dish you will make when you grow. Perhaps...."

Alan seemed to want to say something, but in the end he closed his mouth. Jo Minjoon let out a sigh and said.

"I understand why you are acting like this. I thank you for your interest, and worry. But I want to say that you are worrying in vain. My skills are still lacking and I don't have much experience. However......"

Jo Minjoon paused for a moment. And then, looked at Alan's dark eyes. A world class master chef. Even with that overwhelming difference, he didn't back down.

"I also know the happiness of cooking. The satisfaction when I cook a delicious dish, and looking at the people eating it getting happier. Cooking is the most precious gift life has given me, so how can I let it go?"

God of cookingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora