Chapter 18 - Bootstrapping

Start from the beginning

"All three. I wouldn't have given it to you if I wasn't going to have your back."

For the next two hours we worked through the financial aspect of the my choices, of which I was unaware. "I would sit down and talk to your mother and brother about this. This affects them as much as any of us. Not to the extent, but their opinions need to be heard."

"I'll see them over the 4th. I'll talk to them, then."

Preparing my things to leave, she stops me. "My advice. Narrow it to two, and have both options ready when you talk to him."

Thomas drives through the historic district and drops me in front of Magnolia's restaurant, which specializes in upscale Lowcountry cuisine "Well?" Rachel greets me as she's already seated at the table.

"Well, hello. Nice to see you, Mason. How was your afternoon?" I say in a teasing manner, "it's nice to see you again, so soon." I wait wondering where her smart mouth will take her. When she's silent I press on. "She tells me I need to narrow my options to two and be prepared."

"Well, ok, then."

Rachel and I enjoy a quiet dinner, talking about the area and what she could do while she's here. With her father's blessing, she's taken off from work to help at Cahill Industries for a few weeks maybe months. It's a backroom handshake deal my grandfather instigated, trying to encourage a family merger - his family with the Senator's.

She's got quite the personality when you get her away from the office for a while, and most of conversation requires my brain to move as fast as her wit. By the time the check comes, I sit back and let her handle it. It's very out of character and feels very wrong, but she insists and I won't fight.

"Ready to do this?" She asks as I help her out of her chair.

"Let the show begin."

As soon as we step out of the restaurant we make a left walking the streets of the old historic district. I hail a carriage, and for the next thirty minutes we tour. Our guide tells us a little history of the area, and we intermix that with things to do.

I tell her, "If you like seafood, then, next time we'll go to Hank's, but I'm buying."


We travel down the riverfront before making are way back to the street near where we hoped a ride. As we descend the carriage, I exit first and help her out, extending a hand for the lady. A flash of light surprises me, and my name is called. When I look, a photographer snaps another picture.

"And so it begins," Rachel whispers with a sly smile.

I extend my elbow to escort her back to her car, touching her no differently than I would if I were with Addy or my mother. "I hope this works," I tell her.

"If nothing else it buys you time, and it gets me out of DC."

Deana contacts me about returning Chandler's call, as I travel to Columbia to meet with RAM. "Hey, what's going on?" I ask, trying to act innocent, but I know exactly what's caught her panties on fire.

"Mason, why is there a big burly man at my door with instructions to assess my loft?" I laugh at her descriptions she lays out of what is going on this morning.

"Well, you said you needed to get ready to move. So, I hired you some help. I spoke to Robert this morning; he only needs you to finish out the week. I insisted I needed you on site after that."

"Mason," she chastises. "That's a little heavy handed."

"No it's not. I've waited long enough, and I'm breaking down the barriers that are keeping us apart."

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