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Hey there my amazing wolf pack! I have a big announcement....well 2 actually, but anyway, so my first announcement is for all you people who love drawing, i have came up with a idea where in any of my storys you would like to choose (however many you want to choose) to create some fanart of the character(s) you choose. if you need to know what the characters look like just message me and ask anything about the character(s) you choose.

Now for announcement 2, this is very personal so if you are not lesbian or bisexual then you may leave if you feel awkward in this situation(or just skip to the next paragraph). Anyway, if you are lesbian or bisexual, single, and wanting to date someone then message me and just get to know me for a while.

(EXTRA ANNOUNCEMENT) If you would like to get to know me and be friends message me and 9/10 i'll answer!

I Love you all so much and thank you for 3k on this book! But as always my wolf pack I love you and keep on howling!


Alice Angel x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now