Thing I made for school

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Connor, Zoe, and Alana were at the Murphy's house, chilling in the living room, phones all dead. They were having a lovey time not communicating when the lights suddenly went out.  The sound of thunder crashed throughout the house.

“What was that?” Alana asked.

“I don't know,” Zoe replied. “Connor, snag the flashlight from the corner over there.”

“Okay.” He inched towards the corner slowly. “Why is the flashlight in milk? And beside ham?”

“Shh!” Zoe threw her sneaker at him.

“I'm going to dip-” The lights came on.

“Oh, wow.” Everyone sighed in relief and went back to chilling.

So we had to make a 100 word story using the words Dead, snag, flashlight, inch, milk, ham, sneaker, and dip. Everyone else wrote very dark stories about dead people, I just had the phones dead.

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