Mystery Boy -2-

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I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

"Ugh! what time is it?" Jackie grunted, rolling over shoving her face in her pillow.

"8:30" I yawned, and she grunted once more.

I got our of bed, grabbing clothes so I can take a shower, I grabbed nice clothes considering it was the first day at CCA.

After my shower I dried up and changed into the clothes it consisted of a grey loose tank top I tucked into my blue skirt with small white flowers. A white cardigan, white low top converse, and a necklace with a Anchor on it.

My hair curled into messy waves, with a white floral crown on my head. I didn't want to do much on my face cause I was to lazy so I applied mascara, I put pencil eye liner on in a simple line and smudged it and pink lip gloss.

I walked out I the bathroom to see Jackie and a boy.

"Listen to me please, you know me! you know me. I'm telling the truth when I say It didn't mean a thing" he reached his hands out for hers but she backed away and saw me there. "I'm sorry I lo-" he cut his self off when he saw where her eyes were directed and noticed me.

Jackie walked straight into the bathroom ignoring his calls he reached for her arm but missed. "damn" he did loudly be for stomping away.

Ok... I'll just ask her what all of that was about later.

I went over to my bed and grabbed five notebooks. and 'The Faults In Our Stars' book to read when ever I have time even though I read it once... or twise.

I put the books In one pile and grabbed my brown leather messenger bag and put it over my shoulder.

I walked over to Elisa and Andreas room I knocked on the door and Andrea opened it.

I saw Elisa on her bed applying make up she wore light washed skinny jeans, a white loose crop top with the letter '86' on it in black with two black stripes on each shorts sleeve grey sneaker wedges and a pink bracelet her brown hair curled, for her make up she used liquid liner and winged it, coral colored lip stick.

"Awh, you look so cute" I complemented.

"Thank you, darling you look cute too" she smiled. "I especially love that shirt, where'd you get it from?" she smirked knowing exactly where I did.

"Uh, The lovely place called your closet" I innocently smiled plopping my self on her bed.

Andrea came out if the bathroom she previously went into.

"Ready?" Andrea asked skipping to her bed, me and Elisa nodded and walked out Elisa with her backpack, Andrea with her purse.

"Wait" I said stopping them in their tracks and I walked into my room.

I saw Jackie on her bed shoving books into her blue back bag her eyes blood shot red from tears.

"Hey, me and the girls are heading out to our classes... wanna join?" I asked grabbing the pile of books I left in my bed. She shook her head.

"Nah, I'll see you later tho" she sniffled trying to hide the cracks in her voice.

"Ok if you change your mind you know were to find us" I gave her a sympathetic smile and walked out.

"Jackie?" Andrea asked. I shook my head "she's not there" I lied, she probably didn't want anyone to know about her boy troubles.

All our schedules are different but we are studying the same thing: music.

Campus Crush // ToBeOne / Vinny CastronovoWhere stories live. Discover now