Boxes and warnings

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As somebody who grew up running amongst the warm waves on the sandy beaches of San Diego,I would often find it difficult to head out of the apartment since I’d moved to the always gray and always gloomy city of Seattle. It was draining,the constant rain that often poured with restless determination as I wished for the weakest of sun rays to break the heavy clouds apart and reach even the tiniest part of my skin with its warm glow.

Even now,with the first days of spring peeking from just around the corner...more rain fell from the heavy skies above our heads.

I looked around myself as we rushed through the many puddles of water that quickly formed on the ghostly streets of Seattle,the many buildings we passed by all looking kind of familiar even though they seemed to be spinning in a haze that resembled an old movie. I realised how poorly I managed my alcohol with each step we took,a perfectly timed reminder never to try keeping up with Soundgarden in terms of alcohol because it always led to me being a mess around a very sober Chris.
I could feel Chris’s arm around my waist, steadying my posture as we did our best to run through the blazing rain.His other arm was occupied with holding his leather jacket above our heads,like the true gentleman he was.

Our loud laughter echoed through the empty streets,nothing but rain witnessing the many kisses he managed to steal as he walked beside me. Chris was a man of many virtues,patience being none of them. We would only manage a few steps before he would turn around to face me,pressing his body against mine as his lips brushed against mine with impatience.

I held him by the waist as he stopped in front of the massive oak door of our building,a certain uneasiness spreading through me with the speed of a lethal disease. I watched his hand turn the key in the lock as I realised he’d ignored my plea to talk to him about Andrew throughout the evening.

I couldn’t go back in there unless I told him what happened.

“Chris…” I managed,my throat dry as a familiar sting burned in my eyes.

I couldn’t decide on what made my eyes tear that night,the fact I had lost a friend or the fact it might tear apart what Chris and I had.

He turned around,his smiling features sharpening as he watched me crumble under the tempestuous downpour.

I couldn’t force a single word out of my mouth,each time I would try leading to a pathetic nothing.

“Hey,hey...what’s wrong?” he asked,his hands holding on to mine.

“I can’t go back in there. I am sorry...I just can’t...” I broke into tears.

I should’ve known better. I shouldn’t have though Andrew was going to back away willingly,the man always being ruled by only his emotions. My insides burned with self resentment,making me sick to my stomach as I couldn’t bring myself to look into Chris’ eyes.

“What the fuck did he do to you?” he asked,his body tensed as a wildlike anger echoed in his voice.

I observed his tensed expression for a moment,his deep blue eyes suddenly seeming a tone darker under his dripping wet hair.

“It’s all my fault...I should’ve made him reason...I should’ve been more fierce...for fuck’s sake,I should’ve kicked his ass and instead,all I could think about was how I didn’t want to lose my best friend …!” my voice shattered the silence of the night.

“ Chloe,I swear to God I am going to fuck him up if he hurt you! What happened?!” he shouted angrily.

“He kissed me...he came home early ad he and Xana had know. I was asleep on the couch,and heard it all. Andy then came to the living room...well...he didn’t seem to care she was only a wall away from us...and I should’ve defended what’s yours…”

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