No Picnic - Damian Wayne x Reader

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Damian always had a way of getting under your skin, and you hated yourself for it. You'd dated for a year, sixteen to seventeen, broken up and become 'friends' afterwards, and now you had to sit there as he slowly became a mini Bruce Wayne. Maybe it was your fault. You were his first real relationship, and if you'd tried harder to make it meaningful and longlasting, he'd still be with you instead of making you watch him kiss with other girls.

Everyone knew he was an Adonis, and if he was your type, you'd want to make out with him. You couldn't complain. You'd dumped him. You couldn't be jealous. You didn't have a right to be jealous. And you claimed to be his friend. You ate lunch together, hung out on the weekend, shared a car when going to parties. You were friends. No matter how hard it got sometimes.

You thought about how easy it had been at the beginning. How quickly you'd connected with each other. Becoming friends through other friends until you were in one large social circle, eventually dating. You'd caught onto Damian's mask early on, you'd watched how he shifted personality when any press were around, ar any people from his high society balls. How he was harsh to people and expected everyone to be at his level. He grew as a person, he grew with you. He still had that personality because people rarely change completely, but he was trying. Eventually, he was seen as the boy who could live in your dreams, sown together and perfect. You seemed to be the only person who noticed how he was coming apart at the seems.

When he started dating again, you couldn't pretend anymore. It wasn't like you still liked him that way, but that didn't mean it didn't hurt. You were one of many, you weren't special, you were just the first. He'd called you special many a time, but you weren't anymore, you didn't matter, you weren't on the pedestal. It was no one's fault. He was going to start dating again, eventually, and you just hadn't expected it to happen so quickly. You started hanging out with the mutual friends separately. You'd only broken up with him because he was hiding something and constantly busy without an explanation. You didn't need to see him eating some other girls face every lunch.

You ended up back in his life when he was supposed to give a speech to some parents on prize giving day. He was frozen by your locker, holding his speech in front of him and panicking. Damian Wayne didn't get panicked, which explained why he'd come to you. You had always seen him at his weakest, you'd never believed the mask to begin with.

Luckily for him, no one else was around so you could snap him out of it without blowing his disguise.

"Dami?" you snapped fingers in front of his face.

"I've had a bad week." He shook his head.

"You don't want to give a speech."

"I'm not in the mood to have people staring at me and judging me more than they already do."

"Wanna ditch?"

"I can't ditch, my dad's out there, and we're both getting prizes."

"How do you know I'm getting a prize?" you hadn't told him, and you didn't think of any reason for him to know.

"Doesn't matter, I can't go up there right now." You didn't make him tell you why, it wasn't your place anymore. He just needed someone to support him, a friend. That's what you said you were. That's what you'd be.

"Split it, you offered to do the speech, but I'm student council head, so it makes sense for me to do it too. Split the speech halfway, then not only will you not be up there alone, but they'll only be looking at you half the time." you took the speech and started to skim it.

"That's not fair to you."

"You think I'm scared of Gotham Academy parents? I know they're all pretty much snobs waiting for me to fail so they can complain about how their kids could have done it better. But I also know not all of them are, spot the ones that aren't."

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