21- The Beginning of Chaos

Start from the beginning

As everyone's eyes set on the blonde and her unknown tactics a sudden loud bang cought Laurens attention seeing Betty burning her gaze into a satisfied Chuck's.

When the girl returned, her eyes slightly watered and widened in disbelief, the crowd murmuring over the dead silence.

"What was he doing?" Veronica finally asked.

Lauren's eyes found hers a wave of guilt washing over the Raven haired, making Lauren glance back at Betty.

"Nothing." Betty whispered. "He was apologizing."

"Apologizing?" Lauren repeated, her voice low from the lack of faith she had in the statement.

Betty nodded, her blank expression unnaturally changing back to a sickening beam. "Anyway we were talking about Jughead's birthday?"

Lauren sighed shaking her head in disappointment, the girl was obviously jealous of Betty and her relationship with Jughead but she knew that the girl was going to end up in Jughead's bad side eventually especially when she ignores his decision to be him. .

It amazed her that the girl was so stubborn she wasn't going to listen to her own boyfriend's conditions. She didn't want to feel this way but Lauren was so sure she could be such a good girlfriend to the boy. She loved him so much, she knew almost everything about him and they respected each other. Betty obviously wasn't doing that. And although being both their best friend, she should accept their relationship and be supportive but she couldn't. That was something she wasn't able to do.

"You know what, screw it. I agree with Betty." Archie finally said, with a smile. Making Betty do the same. "My dad's away this weekend. We can do it at my place."

"Now you're talking my language." Veronica added with a smirk.

"We all need a distraction." Betty adds.

"But using Jughead's birthday as an excuse for a distraction isn't fair." Lauren cut in with a scoff just as the bell started to ring. The girl gathered her stuff. "Do what you want but just know it's gonna have serious consequences, Betty."

With that said, Lauren walked away from the group who gaped at her exit along with pitiful looks Betty's way.

As Lauren continued on her journey to class, she hadn't noticed Chuck Clayton follow her out with a smirk that couldn't vanish even with vigurous scrubbing.

"Woah, slow down, Ms.Davis!" Chuck called out as Lauren sighed turning around, her face void of emotion. "Why does it always feel like your running?"

"What do you want, Chuck?" Lauren demanded, looking unimpressed as the boy let out a fake chuckle.

Chuck put his hands up in surrender, licking his lips. "Hey, I just wanted my presence to be known."

Lauren raised her eyebrows, taking a step closer to him, gaining a surge of confidence. "Why does it matter? Forgot how to get laid?"

It was like a twig had been snapped in his brain, his smirk turning into a scowl. "No, just thought I'd be sweet enough to give you a heads up." He then leans closer, his lips barely touching her right ear. "I know things about you, now, Davis. We wouldn't want those things getting out, right?"

With a swift movement, his lips were on her cheek, it was such a cold move, chills ran up Lauren's arm. But Lauren wasn't going to let him have the last say, so instead she took a step closer. "I know you want to win, but I hope you know this isn't a game, Clayton."

With that said, Lauren gave him one last smile, before walking away with pride swelling in her heart.


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