I is alive guys!

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Hi guys, I'm back.
But I've got some pretty shitty news for all of you.
I'm putting this story on hold...

I know I promised an update soon but a lot of shit is happening rn in my life and I'm really not going to update anytime soon. This is because my grandma is really sick, she fell and lost 1.5 liter blood and has heart problems. My dog is sick and is probably going to die soon which sucks because... my dog is going to die, do I need to explain why that sucks? And I lost a friend, again, because they just decided I wasn't worth it anymore for some vague fucking reason. Anyway, I am just too emotionally damaged to do anything right at the moment and I'd probably fuck the entire plot up if I'd continue right now.

So, point is: story on hold.

I am really sorry guys, but I'll try to write some and safe it as drafts so I can upload again when I feel like it.

Still really much love and thanks to all of you who are still reading this, y'all deserve some awesome, sparkly hugs❤️🌈

XX Mia.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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