Jimin's house.

Their eyes widened upon seeing his home, is this really where he ran to? They walked and peeked through the window.


They fucking found me, how? I put plan B into action and I was taking Evelyn and I back to my mansion. I grabbed Evelyn and put sellotape over her mouth. She tried to scream but failed miserably. We walked to the back door trying not to get caught. I finally got out whilst holding her wrist. Trying my best to walk without getting caught, but of course, the leaves crunched under our feet.


I sprinted, dragging Evelyn alongside me. I brushed off the noises behind me, I was just panicking, they hadn't seen me. I finally reached the mansion and pushed Evelyn inside. I looked behind my back to see if anyone had chased or followed me, but it was empty.

It was empty to the eyes of Jimin, but the boys were hidden in plain sight, eyeing the way Jimin dragged and possibly injured Evelyn.. Before they could act on it, every single one of them was knocked out.

I felt a sharp pain in my head, I tried to calm the ache, but my arm got pulled back. I shot my eyes open to see and my members chained to the walls.

They were all awake, I spoke out, "Jin Hyung!" he looked to me, "Where are we and how are we going to escape?!" He was about to speak until someone unknown to us walked in.

He started to chuckle, looking the terrified boys. "Thanks for letting me have Evelyn, she'll be amazing for the brothel, a young beautiful woman, she'll be worth a lot of money" he starts to chuckle again, until Taehyung spoke out, "You filthy bastard don't fucking touch her, when I fucking escape, I will kill both you and Jimin!" he shouted.

The man laughed again, "Haha dear boy, Jimin was just a scapegoat, him kidnapping Evelyn was his idea, but he had no idea about me selling her off, that little obsession of his I knew about and of course I took it to my advantage" he told us.

He walks out and Taehyung shouts then cries.

Fucking bastard! I frantically look around for something to unpick the lock, when suddenly something shiny was on the floor near my foot, I brought it closer realising it was the key to set us free, "Guys, the key!" finally unlocking myself free, I freed the rest of them, I looked at my hidden phone realising it was 1am, the bastard was probably asleep.

We made a plan to find Evelyn and Jimin. We opened the door, fortunately it was unlocked, we walked around to hear whimpering, carefully approaching the sound, it revealed a crying Evelyn sitting down on the bed..

Our eyes widened, "Evelyn!" Taehyung loudly whispered, he ran up to her and hugged her tightly. They kissed, she hugged all of the members and Taehyung held her around her waist.

They walked out of the room, they heard a door slam open, wasting no time the boys ran into a room and looked up to see a vent, Jin put Yoongi on his shoulders and opened the vent they were climbing in and the door slammed open.



Who shot who?

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