Chapter 11: Save us

Start from the beginning

"Follow me... I know where she is." said V, trying to show Saeyoung that he could always trust him.

"Lead the way then, mr. RFA boss."

"V.. I swear if something happens to both of them.. I'll kill you."

"...Let's go.."

After a couple of minutes, they finally arrived. However, when they saw in what state (Y/N) was, they couldn't help but shiver.

"Oh my God... No!! V, open this door, NOW!"


As soon as V opened the door, Saeyoung ran straight towards (Y/N), pulling her head up in his lap.

"(Y/N)...  what have they done to you...? Don't you dare leave me..!"

When he touched her small and cold hands, he finally began to cry. (Y/N)'s head was bleeding, she had cuts all over her body, her clothes were ripped apart and she was unnaturally skinny. She was barely breathing and she looked like she was in pain.

"(Y/N), please... don't leave me! I.. I still haven't told you! Please!"

"Agent 707, calm down.. your wound is going to become worse if you panic... You, sun-glasses guy. Bring a first aid kit."

"Yes... I'll be right back."

As soon as V left, Vanderwood crouched down besides Seven and started to inspect (Y/N)'s wounds. However, as he looked in horror at her deadly wounds, a strange smell suddenly came to his nose.

"Agent 707... We have a problem."

"W-what..? Is there something wrong with her pulse?!"

"No... her breathing. Smell it."

"T-this is...! They taught us about it at the agency.. It's a drug who destroys people mentally! They... they forced her to take it?!"

"So it seems... 707, if we don't take it out... I'm afraid that she doesn't stand a chance. Honestly, I'm surprised that she's still alive. She's strong."

"I know... That's why I lo-.. ugh...!"

"707, are you alright?! Your wound.. this is bad!"

"I'm fine..."

Without warning, V barged inside the cell, holding a first aid kit in his hand.

"Perfect... If you don't mind, 707, I'll treat her first... she needs it more than you."

"Yes, I agree... I have to discuss some things with V, anyway."


After Vanderwood started to take care of (Y/N), Saeyoung turned around, looking at V with a sad and confused face.

"V... what are you doing? Did Rika make this place before she died?"

"Rika did nothing wrong. Mint Eye, Magenta... and this everlasting party.. Rika made the wrong decisions because of the world I showed to her."

"So you brainwashed Rika?"

"I don't know if that's the right way to put it... but it's true that this is all because of me. So I'm sorry. I'm sorry that Saeran and everyone else got involved... I know saying sorry isn't enough.."

"It's to late to apologize."

"I know... listen, Saeyoung, there is something you need to know about Rika... she was sick long before she met me. She was suffering from paranoia and depression for a long time... Looking at my photographs and helping others was therapeutic fro her. She was desperate to hide the fact that she was sick... and never showed it to anyone. Even Jumin never noticed. But ever since the second party... and more so after Sally died... her anxiety started to take over her. She started coming up with this scenario about saving everyone. We got into a fight in that process.. and then-"

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