Teach me too!

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As I promised you guys, here is the special chapter! Happy early Easter!

Before we start this chapter, I have something important to say. As I finally finished an important exam at German, I now know my schedule. So, it's gonna be like this:

THIS WEEK: I'm on holiday, so I'll be able to post more chapters! (If I'm not lazy)

SCHOOL TIME: So, when it's school, I'll post chapters on weekends!

Anyway, that's all for now! I hope you'll like this one-shot!



2nd person pov

"(Y/N),  c'mon!!! Pleaseeeeeee..."

"Saeyoung, I've already told you a billions and billions and billions ( A/N: Trump be like, lol 😂) of times already... NO!"

"But whyyyyyyy... I'm sure it's easy!"

"No Saeyoung, it's not! And in plus, I have a job to finish! Who knows what this guy will do to me if I don't finish it on time!"

"But we're only going to stay just a couple of hours... pretty please with a cherry on top >.<"

"I said NO... Leave me alone, I can't concentrate!"

"Wahhhh~ You're so mean!"


Disappointed, Saeyoung plopped on your bed, looking up at the ceiling. Even if you refused him, that didn't mean that he wouldn't try to do what you love: to skate.

"Fine then, I'll go alone! You don't mind, do you?"


"(Y/N), don't ignore meeeeee T_T ! So mean! Ugh, fine, I'll go alone!"

"... Saeyoung, come on, don't be like that. After I finish this job, I'll go with you-"


"Why did he slam the door... So childish... Why couldn't he just wait.."

Looking at the door, you couldn't help but worry. What if something happens to him? It was his first time after all, and he had never done a sport before.

"Why are you doing this to me, Saeyoung.... Ugh, I can't believe this..!"

Frustrated, but worried at the same time, you closed your laptop and took your training bag. And like that, you immediately made your way to Saeyoung's location: the ice skating rink.

3rd person pov

Finally arriving at the rink, Saeyoung had to admit that he was a bit afraid. However, he was too curious and he wanted to feel what it's like to skate. After all, it was (Y/N)'s favorite thing to do and he wanted to know everything about her.

Rushing to the counter, he started to tap on the little ring. After a couple of minutes, a tall man came to the counter.  As Saeyoung smiled up at him, the individual looked quite annoyed at the read-headed man.

"Hello, Mister! Can you give me a pair of skates? I came here to skate! How much is it for a couple of hours?"

"I'm sorry, but we only aloud those who are in competitions to skate. And as I've never seen you before, I assume you don't know anything about skating."

"What, come on~ Can't you make an exception?"

"Do I look like a fool to you? Leave."

"Huh.... I wonder what (Y/N)'ll say about this... She told me that you're such a nice guy and that you'll totally let me skate for a bit. She's going to be so disappointed in you.."

"Wait... You can't be talking about... (Y/N) (L/N)?!"

"Wow, you're such a smart guy~ She's my girlfriend, you know~"

"O-Oh... I'm sorry! Please, don't tell her that I was rude! She lends me money all the time for this rink... H-here you go! You can stay as much as you want!"

"Haha, thank you!"

Stupid fool

With a smirk on his, Saeyoung quickly made his way to the ice. Slamming the double doors open, he couldn't help but shiver. Not only because of the coldness : only the thought that (Y/N) is skating here everyday, made him overly excited to skate.

Somehow managing to put his skates on, he went to the edge of the ice, and slowly stepped on it. Then, as he tried to glide on the ice, he fell down. Once the pain was gone, he stood up immediately and tried to glide again. However, he fell once again.

After a couple more attempts, but all of them failed, he lay down on the ice, looking hopelessly at the ceiling.

"..I'm so pathetic... Giving up so easily. (Y/N), I'm so sorry... What do you see in me, anyway? I'm a bad brother, a bad person and a bad boyfriend... You're not even my girlfriend yet, I don't even know if you like me. Why do I always fall down? Why do I always fail? Why do I even exist?"

Because the pain in his heart became unbearable, tears started streaming down his eyes. He didn't know why he was like that that day. He always managed to hide what he was feeling: only pain.

All of a sudden, a pair of hands pushed him up, until he was sitting up. And then, those warm hands wiped his tears away, while kind (E/C, your eye color) eyes were staring at his gold sad ones.

"... I don't care if you are pathetic. I don't care if you feel like you do. No matter what, I'll always be by your side and help you get up, when you fall down. Saeyoung... you're my sunshine. You're the most handsome and the most intelligent man I have ever known. I will always accept you, with all your flaws and all your perfection."

"(Y/N)... thank you.. I don't know what's with me today.."

"Come here.."

Held in her arms, Saeyoung finally calmed down. And in that moment, he felt so lucky. So lucky that a girl like you chose a pathetic guy like him.

"Alright, that's enough drama for one day... Come on now, let's get to skating! We didn't come here for nothing, did we? Oh, and after we go back to Rika's, you have to finish my job, ok? Since you owe me."

"Hahaha, ok, ok. The defender of justice, 707, is going to help you finish your hard job. But for meow, you have to teach me how to skate!"

"Haha, alright then. Give me your hands."

For the rest of the day, they skated together, and of course, even fell for a couple of times. Regardless, Seven felt like the happiest man in the world. And (Y/N) too, was happy that she could finally be with him again.


word count: 1040 words

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