Raymie IS Coming Home

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I know the pic is James Spader as a teenager, but it's the best I could come up with for Raymie since he looks so much like Red.

Raymond Reddington's POV

I drop my daughter off at high school. "Remember, what is your name while you're out here?" She smiles "Katrina Givens." I smile at her. "That's my girl. Dembe will be here to pick you up." Beth wraps her arms around me "I love you, Daddy." I hold her close "I love you too, princess."

I drive away and call Dembe. "Where are we on finding my son?" Dembe replies "Madeline and the girl have little Raymond somewhere Midwest." I sigh, Dembe assures me

"We will find your son, brother. I promise I will not give up helping you find little Raymond."

Lizzie greets me at the door. "Has Dembe found him? Has he found our Raymie?"

"Madeline Pratt and her little brat have him somewhere in the Midwest." She stares at me, worried. I take her hand in mine and caress it with my thumb.

"Lizzie, we will save him from Madeline. I promise. I'll bring Raymie back home." She nods. I look into her big blue eyes. "Lizzie, promise me one thing."

"What, Raymond?"

"While Dembe and I are out searching for Raymie, I want you and Beth to stay home. Can you promise me that? Promise me you two girls will stay home." I sigh and stare at my beautiful wife, my ray of light. If something happens to her, I don't know what I would do.

"Lizzie. I've already lost one family in the past. I don't want to lose the family I have now." I tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. "My adversaries can torture me all they want, but none of it is worse than losing you. And Beth. Please. Stay here, Elizabeth, my ray of light. My angel."

Lizzie nods. "Okay. Just....be careful out there, Raymond. And please come back with Raymie."


Raymie's POV

She walks around me, impatiently. "I'm going to ask you one more time. Where is Raymond Reddington?" Natalie's crying. "Please, Raymie. Just tell my mom where your father is!"

"No!" I spat "I'll never tell you where my father is! I'm a Reddington. A Reddington man never sells out his family!" She slaps my cheek angrily. "Foolish boy. You really think Red Reddington would give the time of day to come save you?"

She scoffs "Red is the Concierge of Crime. A crime lord. He has places to go and things to do to keep his business running smoothly. He doesn't care about you and Beth!"


Beth's POV

Dembe takes me home then leaves to help Dad find Raymie. I spot Mom, in Raymie's room. "Mom? It's okay, Mom. Daddy and Dembe will save Raymie." She shakes her head.

"Sweetie, I want to save your brother just as badly as your father does. Come with me." We go outside to her car. I look at her "Where are we going Mom? Didn't Dad want us to stay here?"

She nods "Your father isn't the only stubborn mule in this family." She turns the key to ignition "We're going to the Post Office. One of my friends there can help us find your brother."

Mom goes to Aram and starts asking him to trace calls from Madeline's phone. Ressler sees me and walks toward me. "Hey kiddo." I look up at him and smile

"Hi Ressie."

He chuckles "I thought it was just Ress now." I give him a faint smile. He pulls me close to his chest and hugs me. "Beth, listen to me. We're going to find Raymie. Knowing your dad, he and Dembe are probably already searching for him."

I shake my head "Ressie, that lady wants my dad. She's using Raymie to draw out my dad! If she finds Dad......." I start to cry, Ressler holds me close to him "Shh, hey. Hey. Hey. Look at me. Your father, is the most dangerous and most stubborn man I've ever worked with. He'll find your brother, Beth. And, honestly, I don't think he cares if he gets hurt or not while trying to save Raymie."

I nod and smile at Ressler. He gently brushes away my tears "There. That looks better." I giggle "Thanks, Ressie." Mom comes toward me "Come on, sweetie. I just found out your brother is being kept in a suite Maddie's staying in."


Elizabeth Keen's POV

"Shouldn't we tell Dad and Dembe that?" I pause, then call Red. Dembe answers "Elizabeth."

"Put him on." I hear the voice of my criminal, my husband.


"Raymond, Aram told me Maddie's keeping our son in a suite that she's staying in at Wyoming."

"That could be a trap, Lizzie. Madeline Pratt is very clever. Angel, I know you want our son to come home, so do I. But Madeline could be using that lead Aram just gave you to catch us. Please, Liz-"

I burst "Maddie has our son! You should take any and every lead we can get!" I hang up, then turn to my daughter. "Let's go to Wyoming, sweetie."


Beth and I head to the suite. As we search the hallway for Maddie's room, I bump into someone wearing a black fedora. He grabs me from behind.

I try to get away at first, then I smell the familiar scent of his cologne, he holds me close to his chest. I close my eyes, Then he turns me around so I'm facing him "What the hell are you two doing here?" he whispers. I stare into my husband's sea-green eyes. "I want to save our son just as badly as you do."

"We came to save Raymie, Daddy!"

Raymond's gaze falls back to me. "I thought you promised me that you girls were going to stay home!"

"Raymond, I want to save our son too. Besides, what's Maddie going to do? Torture me for FBI information? Kill me? None of that is worse than losing you, Raymond Reddington."

Red blinks back tears. "And none of that is worse than losing you, Lizzie. Please, just take Beth, and get the hell out of here. Take our daughter, and go home."

"No. I'm not going anywhere without Beth, Raymie, and you."


Raymond Reddington's POV

I took Lizzie's hand in mine. Together, we walked down the hallway, looking for Raymie. Suddenly, I heard Madeline's voice.

"Raymond Reddington is a crime lord with his own business of crime to attend to. He doesn't care about his children!" Oh, Maddie dear, you are so very wrong. I am a crime lord, yes. But nothing is going to stop me from snatching my son away from your arms. I press my ear to the door her voice was coming from. I nod to Lizzie.

"Madeline, you're wrong. If I don't care about my children, then explain to my son why I'm here. If my son doesn't come out of that door in 10 seconds, I'm going to tell Dembe to go in that door which will likely be the end for you and Natalie."

Natalie whimpers "Mr. Reddington! This wasn't my idea, I swear!"

My daughter bursts "Natty, if you don't stop your yammering, I'm going to ask my dad to empty his pistol mag into this door, which will be a shame because he'll have no idea what he's shooting at!" Nothing but silence. Raymie comes out the door. "Dad! Dembe! Mom? Beth?! What are you two doing here?"

"Your father asked us that same question."

Maddie speaks into her phone "Tyler. Yes, his kids are here. Reddington's son and daughter."

The Son and Daughter of ReddingtonWhere stories live. Discover now