Chapter Eleven

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"I'm assuming Niall is staying in there tonight to watch him, but I'm going to go check just in case."

"Okay," says Kaitlyn.

"Come, let's get you to bed," says Louis walking me to the forth and last bedroom in my house. Louis goes to tell El he's going to keep an eye on me tonight sharing the room; as does Kaitly with Liam. Louis takes the futon I keep in that room while Kaitlyn shares the bed with me. Andrea takes the couch in my room, leaving Zayn and Perrie with their own room for a change.

"You're going to have to tell the rest of them what's going on now, after that little scene," says Louis.

He's right. "But I don't want to..."

"Lou's is right," says Kaitlyn. "It's honestly killing me that I can't tell Liam; he's so worried about you."

"So is El. And Perrie. And Zayn," adds Louis.

I sigh, "Can we talk about this later? I want to go to sleep," I turn away from them.

I'm walking around my house looking for everyone, but I can't seem to find any of them. "They're not here," I hear a deep voice that's very recognizable to me.

"Where are they, Harry?"

"They said I should spend some alone time with you. Set things straight," the tone of his voice is starting to scare me.

"Set what straight?"

"You know," he winks.

"No, I don't, Harry."

"Oh, come on, Colleen. You're telling me you don't feel the tension between us? The sexual tension?"

"No," I reply firmly. He takes a few strides to reach me, and grabs me by my waist to pull me close to him. "Harry! Let go of me!" I yell.

"I don't think so," he drags me upstairs to my bedroom. I try to fight him off, but it’s just too strong. Way too strong.

"Harry!" I yell waking up.

Louis immediately jumps from his sleep, "Colleen, what is it?!" I can't breathe. I clutch my chest feeling how fast my heart is beating. "Baby girl, it's okay, we're here," he says wrapping his arms around me. But it's too much for me. I shove past him getting up and running away. I hear quick footsteps following me, but I keep running. I finally make it outside feeling the fresh air on my body; the air making me cold from the sweat sliding off it.

"Colleen?" I hear and all too familar deep voice, but only hear concern in it. I sit down into fetal position.

"Go away," I whisper wiping the tears from my face rocking back and forth.

"Colleen," more worry escapes his lips. His fingertips gently touch my shoulder. "What happened?" He sits beside me on the steps.

"I..." I still can't breathe that well.

"Take your time, Love."

I take deep breaths trying my hardest to calm down. "I... I had a nightmare..."

"About what?" He starts to rub my back; something I never thought I would find so soothing at a time like this.


"What about me...?"

"You... You... Tried to..."

"Stop. I don't want to hear the rest!" Harry knows exactly what it was about. "And I'm so sorry about last night," he pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around him. "Niall yelled at me for a good hour while Andrea sat there glaring the entire time. I'm so sorry I even attempted that. I'm never going to drink again." I few more tears escape my eyes as he holds me; consoling me. "Now you were standing there right in front of me. I hold on; it's getting harder to breathe. All of a sudden these lights are blinding me. I never noticed how bright they would be," he sings, "I saw in the corner there is a photograph. No doubt in my mind it's a picture of you. It lies there alone in its bed of broken glass. This bed was never made for two." I haven't heard this song in the longest time. Thankfully no one has come to bother us during this entire incident.

We stay outside until it begins to rain; Harry immediately trying to not let me get wet. As we walk inside everyone is staring at us. They must have been waiting there the entire time worrying and questioning what's going on. "I think it's time you tell them, Love," Harry whispers to me.

"But I don't want to," I whine again. "I don't want to be forced into it."

"They're worried about you, Love. Come on, I'll be right here with you," he kisses my cheek.


“Harry,” Eleanor steps forward, “If she doesn’t want to say anything then she doesn’t have to. But no matter what it is, we just want you to know, we love you, and we care for you.” The tears fall more, and I can’t control them anymore. I fall back into Harry starting to slide to the floor, but he has a hold over me preventing me from doing so. Holding me as if I'm refusing to be picked up; crying harder than I ever have in the past year.

Oh, no, what will happen? Do you think Colleen will tell? Let me know what you think! Comment! Vote!

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