Act 2: To Follow the Truth

Start from the beginning

Everything closed in on me, trying to wrap and absorb me. Gasping for air, I flailed rapidly before being shot up and out of the darkness and into the white land once more. 

Once more, my body was affected by this new gravity and I hit a soft object before finally finding myself again. 

I was on a reclining chair but it had the form of a bean bag chair, sucking me in every few seconds. 

"Time to get the paperwork done," the man said as he sat in a chair parallel to me with a stack of paper as big as him.  

Unable to see pass the mountain of paper, I began to hear rapid tapping of some sort and the sounds of a someone chewing with their mouth open. 

Slouching over the man who was sitting behind the papers was gone, leaving a redhead in round glasses behind. She has piercing eyes, a black blazer, white button up and pencil skirt. Her heels were long enough to be considered a hazard. She was chewing some gum, from what I could tell not a single piece but a single pack, all at once. Her hair was in a tight bun with a pencil and pen through it, crossing each other in an X shape. 

Swinging my head as best I could, I saw she had a typer with her and was writing something down faster than an arrow can hit an apple. 

"Enjoying the day so far? Usually the office is so peaceful but that new intern forgot the boss' fucking donuts (bastard) and I got shited on for it so that wasn't very- oh! and then that bitch Jennifer a few cubicles down for Iron Abs Rodrick (fucking wanna wash my face with those things) starting flirting with Clean Cut Alfred (So sharp he should be the new company shredder) even though everyone knows she's a slut and Alfred is dating the boss' daughter (also a slut but you didn't hear it from me). Shouldn't say that too loud though...Ah fuck! I brought another nail. These fuckers cost sixty five each hand!"

As questions filled me head, the papers began tumbling down my way. I crossed my hands instinctively but as they hit me they turned to small cloud fishes that swam away into the nothingness. 

"Let's make it snappy, I got a show to watch at two. Some idiots are gonna read a book together in a giant room, they do it every Sunday," the man, now back in his seat, snickered. 

"Hey, what was the date down there before you kicked the bucket anyway?"

"um...the..the 1st."

Silence ringed out. In an instant, my hairs stood on edge, something was coming.

Erupting into a mountain-sized Minotaur, he roared out louder than any plane engine.


His voice formed multiple hurricane level winds that blasted me and the chair far into the sky. The figure slowly grew smaller and smaller until it was out view. I was left tumbling through space along with my bean bag and a few random papers, all of which seemed to be full of nothing but gossip. 

In mid-air my body began twitching. First on my left leg, then the right. The feeling then moved up to my thighs before shooting up into my stomach. 

My arms soon followed and then my cheeks. Everything was vibrating, like hundreds of little men were moving under my skin, all heading for my stomach. 

Suddenly they all dispersed. For a split second, I had control, I lifted my arm and saw my forearm had one vain out of place. 

Like a pit trap my arm bent in, sending all my muscles and fibers into a mad frenzy down my chest. 

A sharp pain struck my right calf. Swinging my head downward I saw my whole leg was empty. Like a deflated balloon all the innards had shot up to form a huge bulge in my inner thigh. 

Looking to the other leg was no better, it was jerking like a wild animal, so fast it looked to be disappearing and reappearing in a different position. 

A wave of ecstasy hit as all my muscles shot out of my body, each making a fine, needle like hole in my skin, each still vibrating like the motor of a car. 

"Now come back!" a voice chimed. 

Feeling a strong tug, I was wrenched back to the origin of my departure, gliding down like a kite.

"Down you go," God said as he slowly guided my body down to the ground like some sort of puppeteer. 

"Realized I had an appointment today so I lost my temper a bit, my bad."

I was gone. There was no more "Cyrus", just me. I was a vessel without a soul. A body without a "body". I...was no more. 

"You okay bro?"

"Yes Mr. God sir, I'm just fine," God said through my voice, using my muscles to move my mouth and hands to give a thumbs up. 

"This ain't any fun when you go all vegetable on me you know. Forget it, I'll fill the paperwork out later so uhhh..."

Pulling a clipboard out of nowhere, God looked through a few thousand pages before coming to my name. 

"Cyrus Castello right? Yeah, you're going down the red path, tough luck."

Scratching my name out with a comically large red marker that said: "#1 Entity", he restored me to my regular self before forcing me to suck myself in and out the other side, essentially turning me around. 

"Go straight for a few minutes and you'll make it to a red vortex like thing, walk through that and you're done."

"Then what?"

I no longer had control of myself, I was just...going. I felt like I was watching myself dream after the fact. 

"What do you mean 'then what'? he said, copying my voice exactly.

"That's it. You're done. Now get moving, my appointments are very important to me. Some could say I follow them...religiously?" he stretched his arm, nudging me, waiting for a reaction.

"I go to heaven?" I asked.

His smile flipped to a frown as a deep sigh filled his lungs and then came out, "This is heaven, think of it like a waiting room."

"So...where will-"

"OMG! Broski! Go through the damn red vortex! That's it! Nothing else!"

"But where does it take me?"

"This is why I hate guests...okay there are two vortexes, one blue and one red. The blue one is reincarnation and the red is well...not the blue one, you get it."


"You got a bad hand. It was a 50/50 chance and you lost, sorry."

" 'But your God so you make up the verdict' "You were going to say that shit right?"

Cyrus didn't have a comeback, Cyrus was starstruck which makes sense since this was God he was meeting here, the one and only. He was cuter than Cyrus thought to (or is it 'as well'?), his muscles were really defined and his beard a work of art! But wait! Just when Cyrus thought it was over he remembered what God told him "Go through the red vortex".

"There you go! The narrator said it himself, to the red vortex with ya!"

With a gust of wind, I was in front of it. In front of my end, the red vortex. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2020 ⏰

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