"What was that number again? Of people, I mean."

"Why does everyone ask me this?!"

"Just spill."

"Shit, okay. So there was Adam back in Chicago. Then that kid Bryce from down the street soon after I moved here. Then Jack. Then after Jack was Thomas, Freddy, Leon and Justin. And that 22 year old...what was his name? Ralph?"

Adalyn nods. "Ralph I think it was."

"Shit, the number is nine, but I forgot the other one..." I close my eyes and try to recount. "Who am I missing?!"

"I dunno, you tell me!"

"Adam, Bryce, Jack... Jack....BUDDY! I was missing my boyfriend. I was missing my fucking boyfriend!"

"How did you miss him?"

"I don't know."

"You're a dumb ass."

"Shut up."

"So, do you have any other gossip you care to share?"

I shake my head. "No, not really. I don't go around asking people about their inner demons."

"Do you have any gossip on yourself?"

"Not any that I haven't told you."

"I wanna know more about Buddy and your relationship. How long do you think it'll last?"

I turn to face her. "A long time."

"How long is a long time?"

"Long enough to assume we're going to get married."

"Fair enough. How's the bangin' goin'?"

"Jesus, Adalyn. It's fine. We're fine in that department. Well, besides the fact that Vincent keeps stealing our condoms so he can go with Cara Mayfield."

"He's going with Cara?!"

I nod.

"Good for him."

"Oh! I thought of something. So a couple weeks ago, I was at Buddy's and we were going to, ya know, and his fucking brother knocks! Atleast we were still dressed I can confidently say that not once have I ever moved so quickly. Within 3 seconds, we were sitting casually pretending to study. I don't think he saw through our facade, which is good. I don't think he would care, but I would. That would be embarassing."

Adalyn laughs. "Oh my god, atleast he didn't know."

"Well...we did end up getting busy anyway, so it didn't matter."

"Do you actually think you can hook me up with Bob?"

I raise my eyebrows. "Yeah, I can do that."

"I haven't had sex since Jared Winger."

"How long ago was that?" I ask.

Adalyn sighs. "Three months."

"I don't think I've gone more than a couple of weeks since I lost my virginity!"

"You and Buddy didn't sleep together for a few months?"

"There's other stuff to do, Adalyn. Like you said, he plays guitar."

"You're right. Well, do you think Bob'd go for me?"

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