Chapter 12

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The rest of the week passed as quickly as ever thanks to her rigorous training schedule. She had not brought up her mysterious necklace up with anyone, clearly whoever gave it to her did not want her to know. Her sister was the only person she had said anything to and she knew her sister would not bring it up to anyone. She was just going to wait and see if anyone brought it up at the ball. Really all of this made her feel young again, like when she was dating and secret admirers while she was in school. Though she was pretty sure it was just Rodolphus which took the fun out of the whole thing.

Today was the day and her schedule was once again cleared so she could spend the day getting ready for the ball with Narcissa. She took her time getting up and getting dressed, it was going to be a long night and she did not want to get tired half way through. By the time she came downstairs it was lunch time. She ate a light lunch with her sister before heading back upstairs to grab her dress, mask, and necklace before heading to her sister's room. Narcissa was much better at these things than she was, especially after being locked away for 13 years. She was so excited she could hardly contain herself as she bounded into her sister's room for their girls afternoon. Her sister quickly sat her down on the green seat that sat in front of the vanity.

"Now we are going to start with your hair first because it is going to take a while," she said attempting to run her fingers through it.

Bellatrix's hair was extremely long and curly and knotted and matted very easy. She had never been very good at doing anything with her hair and she did not do much to it normally. Her sister pulled out a large jar of what she could only assume was Sleekeazy's and began running it through her curls. After at least an hour her sister had managed to loosen up and defrizz her espresso curls. Her hair was even longer now but it was a lot softer and cleaner looking. Narcissa must have used half the jar of hair potion but it had certainly worked. Her sister was looking extremely pleased with herself as she began pinning back her long strands of hair. Bellatrix's hair was so long she could not wear it all the way up but her sister was, at least, able to get it out of her face. As she watched in the mirror she could not help but smile. She had not looked like this in so long, maybe ever since her school days. Once her sister was content with her hair she started on her makeup, taking years off immediately. The deep bags under her eyes were no longer black and while it was still obvious the toll her time away had on her it was not the only thing you saw. Narcissa tried to cover up her prison number on her neck but Bella stopped her, she was immensely proud of her time there. Her prison number was a badge of honor if anything it should be shown off.

Several hours later they were both made up and dressed. Bella's makeup and nails matched her deep emerald dress and she looked years younger. Her new necklace was, even more, stunning around her neck and she could not stop looking at herself in the mirror. Her sister was beautiful as always, her hair was sleekly pinned up and her makeup was simple and her nails matched her silver mask. If the moon could turn into a person, it would look like her sister. When Narcissa had decided that they were ready they walked arm in arms downstairs to the formal dining room. They had cleared out this space last night so they could decorate for today. They were using several spaces for tonight's ball but this dining room was going to serve as the main room were the band and dance floor would be. The closer they got the more excited she got and the more she could hear their guests arriving and filling up the dining room.

When they arrived at the double doors leading into the room they were met by Lucius and, much to Bellatrix's displeasure, Rodolphus. Not even Rodolphus could ruin her mood, though, she was going to have fun no matter what she had to endure. Rodolphus was wearing bright green dress robes with a bird-like a mask. He actually looked rather nice tonight and she was glad that at least he would not embarrass her.

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