Chapter 5

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The day passed quietly enough, spending the majority of it with her sister. While it was nice feeling normal, she was honestly growing quite bored. The last day hand been a whirlwind, for the most part, and today just seemed mundane. Bellatrix loved spending time with her sister, but she longed for something to do. She had gotten her first taste of blood in thirteen years, and she wanted more. There was not much she could do until given more orders from her master. She needed to sit tight and wait, but after waiting for 13 years, her patience had worn thin. Not that she was ever much for sitting around twiddling her thumbs.

What did she do before giving her life to the Dark Lord? Her life as a child, at Hogwarts, and as a young woman where a blur. Had it really been that long ago? She was reminded of just how long it had been as she passed a mirror in her sister's room. She stopped when her reflection caught her eye, she did not even recognize herself. She stared for a moment, taking in her almost sickly looking reflection. Her hair was not as sleek as it had once been though it still hung in spiral curls around her pale face. There were several strands of silvery grey springing from her roots that would have to be taken care of. Her eyes and cheeks were sunken and dark, making her look almost ill. What stuck out the most was the fine wrinkles that were beginning to show around her eyes and mouth. How old was she now? It took her a moment to think about it. She was 31 when she was locked away, which would make her 44 now. 44?! It took her a moment to let it all sink in.

Her eyes then met her sister, who honestly looked older than her. Narcissa was 4 years younger than her and had endured very little hardship, yet it was amazing how much she had aged. Motherhood, Bellatrix thought, grateful she had never reproduced. Such things were not in her nature.

"Cissy! When did we get so old?!" Bella exclaimed looking at her sister as her wand flicked near the top of her head, erasing the grey that had been showing.

They both laughed for a moment before their sisterly bonded was interrupted by the burning where her dark mark was. Her eyes lit up, her smile widening, her master was calling her. She looked at her sister who knew, by the way, she was looking at her arm must be going on and nodded. It took only a moment and Bellatrix was gone, apparating to wherever her master was calling for her.

Bellatrix found herself in the library, her nephew Draco and Snape standing next to her. Draco looked even paler than she had remembered him being, but maybe he was always like that. Her eyes moved off of the pair looking for her master who was sitting by the fire, Nagini curled up at his feet. Before she had time to speak her master's voice broke the silence.

"Bella, my best lieutenant. I am sure you are wondering why I have called you here. As you are my best death eater I am entrusting you with a very important task," his words were cool, pausing only briefly, "You will be in charge of training young Draco for the task I have given to him and Severus."

Her pride and happiness were evident on her face, it was hard for her to hide her emotions and she really did not care to in the company of the Dark Lord.

"It would be my pleasure, Lord," she bowed before returning her eyes to her master.

"I will leave you to it then," her master said before disapparating, taking Nagini with him and leaving the three of them standing there in silence.

It lasted only a moment before Bella looked at the pair of them, "Severus you can leave us," she said shortly. Her eyes did not move off of Snape's, authority written all over her face. When it had taken much too long for him to go she shouted, "NOW!" Her words were cold and he quickly disapparated, obviously looking to avoid confrontation.

Snape, as far as Bellatrix was concerned, was a traitor and if she had it her way she would have cursed him into a stupor. Her Lord clearly knew what he was doing and she would never question his word. Draco meanwhile, looked as though he had just faced a bunch of dementors. What on earth had the Dark Lord asked of him? And why did he look so damn pitiful?

"Now, my dearest Draco, whatever the Dark Lord has asked of you, you should be proud. He rarely asks tasks of wizards so young and inexperienced."

This was probably about as supportive as she could be, especially with someone not thrilled to do the Dark Lords bidding. Draco still looked slightly mortified and Bellatrix really was not sure how to deal with him.

"Clearly, you need time to let this sink in. We will start tomorrow."

Hopefully, her sister could sort him out and they could start fresh tomorrow. Draco turned and walked out of the room, without saying a word, leaving Bellatrix there to ponder what Voldemort could have possibly asked of him.

She flopped down into one of the high-backed green chairs, the same one she found herself in just the night before. Her mind raced wondering what she would be training her nephew for. She sat in silence for a moment before realizing that it must be just about dinner time. There was no way that food was worth the awkward family dinner conversation that no doubt would accompany tonight's meal. She would simply just have to wonder into the kitchen later tonight and have the house elves whip something up for her. Not like they had any choice.

Her hand rested on her face as her eyes poured over the titles of the books lining the walls. She might as well do something productive while she wasted time hiding out from her family. The Malfoys' had always had a rather impressive dark arts book collection, unfortunately, they had not added much since Bellatrix had been locked away. She sighed heavily, completely bored now by her search, her head tilting slightly to the side. It would be so much more entertaining to just set the whole place on fire, but her sister would be ever so cross with her and she would lose her wonderful hiding place. As her eyes continued looking over book titles she heard the door creak open slowly. She spun around quickly, her wide eyes staring at the figure who was creeping into the room.

Rodolphus, of course, it would be that silly man to come and find her. Her eyes rolled, her lips pursed, the annoyance that her husband had caused written loudly on her face. He was not even worth being spoken to at this point in time and he had better have had one hell of a reason for being here.

"I just came to bring you some dinner, my dear," he spoke quietly, his eyes looking between the plate in his hand and the floor.

She sighed, slightly less annoyed than she had been but still rather perturbed by his presence. No matter how she felt about him, she supposed he was a rather good husband, he would do anything for her and that was extremely useful.

"Come on then," she sighed waiting for him to approach; at least this saved her a trip to the kitchen tonight.

Rodolphus placed the plate down on the end table beside her, glancing up at her nervously. Bellatrix knew that look all too well, and though she did not make it a habit of indulging his affections, she supposed she could just this once. At least, he could provide some sort of entertainment while she ate dinner after so long in Azkaban she did enjoy the company of other slightly more.

"You can sit down you know," her ever present attitude hanging on every word.

Rodolphus smiled, trying not to look too pleased with himself and sat while Bellatrix began to eat. He waited a moment, probably trying to gauge her temper before he opened his mouth.

"We missed you at dinner tonight," he begun softly, "Your sister was going to come look for you but I told her that I would so she could deal with Draco."

Bella had figured that he was going to be a mess for the rest of the evening, she still could not imagine what he had been asked to place him into such a state. She continued to eat, she could not be too indulgent with her husband after all.

Rodolphus was allowed to continue quiet, mundane conversation while Bellatrix finished her plate. By the time she finished dinner she was growing quite weary of his presence. Well reminded of why she kept him on such a tight leash she did not want to end up killing him when he was such a good death eater. As long as he was useful to her master and herself he was not worth killing, though maybe a cruciatus curse would do him some good. He was not worth it tonight, his pathetic screams would wake the entire house and there was no way she was dealing with any of that right now. He had always been a rather fine duelist when she did decide to curse him next she would have to make it interesting. She stood up swiftly, waving her wand over her plate as is disappeared.

"We should begin training soon, I need to make sure you are not going to embarrass me next time the Dark Lord sends us to do his bidding," she said dismissively before apparating back to her room, leaving Rodolphus alone in the study with a grin on his face.

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