Plan A

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Crazy as it was, I decided to make a plan on how to become friends with Adam. I realized I was too shy to be able to talk to him any other way, and this could be a test run for my confidence. It might help me be less afraid to talk to people.

I wrote down a list on Sunday morning of what I'd say each Saturday to Adam during class.

Week 1: Say hi and ask what school he goes to. He'll probably ask the same of me and maybe that'll start a conversation?

Week 2: I'll ask him how his week was. Another conversation starter. Maybe he had a really interesting week and wants to tell me all about it? Maybe?

Week 3: Lay low and don't start a conversation with him. If he likes me enough, he'll come to me. And then he'll start the conversation

Week 4: If he talked to me last week, I'll ask him to the beach or movies or something.

If he didn't talk to me during Week 3, I guessed I'd just give up or start over with Week 1.

And after this short list was over (though it would take at least four weeks. Maybe more if I had to re-do any), if Adam and I were friends by then, I'd just see where it went. But if he proved to be, like so many others, not interested... well, I shouldn't like a guy anyways, if that's what I was in danger of doing.

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