Im Gone.

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A/N: It's been forever since I updated this but here it is.:) Picture of Chris and Asia in the MM. Vote•Comment•Share


I've been working with Asia at Gino's Pizza which is a well-known joint around Richmond.

"Nicole you need to stop playin'--when we gonna be together?" I smirked at Nolen's question. I looked up from folding the insides of a pizza box.

He was standing in the doorframe of the restaurant's kitchen area.

Nolen was my boss's son that helped out around here.

"Boy I'm older then you and I'm with someone." I said putting sauce on some dough. He walked towards me taking the utensil out my hand.

"I'm 18 ma--age ain't nothing but a number."

This boy was really something. I snatched the spoon out his hand.

"If you trying to help then help boy." I laughed out loud before nudging him.


"Nicole I need you at Table 3." Gino said coming in the break room.

I put my phone away and got up from the mahogany table and went out the room.

I walked over to the table which had a guy seated with his back turned with a menu in hand.

"Hello. Welcome to Gino's Pizza, may I start you off with something to drink?" I asked pulling out my notepad from my apron's pocket.

"Peaches?" I looked up at a surprised Chris with a shocked looked arcoss his face.

What the hell

I'm not technically mad at him, it's just we've been close and I hate how he let Mac do that shit to me.

"How's it been? I've been trying to hit you up." I rolled my eyes letting him continue. "Things ain't been the same since you left. Them niggas miss them some Peaches." I watch him chuckle as he fumbled around with the menu.

"Nicole--who's that over there?" Asia asked me putting a piece of candy in her mouth.

She was referring to Chris. She had that look on her face that she really was feeling him.

"Just Chris." Her attention was all on him.

"Why don't you go over and say something. Looks like he needs a refill."

Asia snapped out her trance and grabbed a pitcher that was filled with his drink of choice.

I couldn't help but laugh.

Chris looked up from his phone and put his attention on Asia as she refilled his glass.

I watched them laugh and converse while I checked up on other customers.

Especially Asia's tables she was too busy chillin with Chris.

I decided to take a little break.

I thought bout August. We've been keeping in touch with each other ever since he left. He was on 2 Chainz headlining tour with Pusha T so I knew he was real turnt.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phone vibrating in my pocket.

I immediately answered the call without looking at the contact and walked into the break room.

"Hello?" I asked closing the door behind me.

A smile formed on my face once I recognized the voice.

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