Get Ya Money.

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Me and August sat in his car waiting for it to warmup. He was on the phone with his manager.

"Yea..I know. I gotta take care of something first." He paused for a minute and looked over at me. It was already 1 o'clock and I know he had other stuff to do.

"Yea. I'll find out where it is..ok I'll be there in a minute." August hung up and put his phone in his cup holder. "You don't mind comin' with me to a interview do you?" mind went blank. I didn't know what to say so I just said, "Sure." He smiled and put his car in drive.

"You wouldn't happen to know where all the radio stations are?"

" need to get in the left lane. and get on the interstate." He shook his head and turned up his radio. I'm Still Waiting played by Jodeci. That's one of my favorite songs by them. I looked over at August as he sung along.

"Myyyy armmss are opened wide." My god! His voice always had me weak but the way he sang this, amazing. I guess it was obvious that I was staring at a nigga.

"Nicole." I snapped out of my thoughts. "Where do I go here from here?"


When we got to Radio Station, I thought about Tony. He worked here but I think he's off right now. He parked his car and we got out and walked to the front doors. August opened the door for me and I walked in,him behind me. I had another pair of his sweats and sweatshirts on. He had a lot of pink dolphin stuff.

"Oh August! your manager is waiting for you down the hall." I looked up at Tony's co-worker Trina. I hated that bitch. It was obvious she wanted Tony but he was far from her mind when she saw Aug. "Thanks. Come on Nicole." He motioned me beside him.

"Oh Hey Nicole Gurlll!" I threw my hand up and said hey back. I rolled my eyes. "You know ha?"

"Unfortunately. My boyfriend works here." August just shook his head. When we caught up to his manager August introduced me to Noonie and he had all smiles.

"Nice to meet you miss Nicole." He shook my hand and I said the same to him. We talked for a couple minutes till it was about 5 minutes to 2.

"Aug you got a know the usual shit."

"Ight..Nicki wanna come with me? That's a first he's called me by my nickname and he made it sound so sexy.

"Um. No I'll just chill out here." I said looking at the different records on the wall.


"Hey y'all it's 103.9 with yo Boi Tone...and I'm here with the one and only August Alsina." I heard coming through the hall. That's Tony's voice. Lawd.

"Yep..wassup y'all."

"I just gotta say this..My ole lady fuckin' loves you." They both had alittle laugh. "That's wassup."

"Like she got a nigga hooked and I'm proud to say I'm a fan." I decided to sit down and watch how this interview goes down. There was a big window where I could see everything.


"So tell the people that may not know where your from and the comin' up of an R&B artist." August put his elbows on the table and grabbed the mic.

"Well, I'm from NOLA...New Orleans and I've been through a ass of shit. I went from selling dope doin' what I had to do to survive." His full accent came out.


Tony was cracking up from August telling his crazy ass fan story. I could honestly listen to him explain that story over and over again.

Love to Remember : August Alsina StoryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz