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Just a heads up from this rather new author on wattpad: slow updates :/

Oh, and that picture is you, Ms. Ultimate DJ Reader! (Art is not mine)


     The next thing you knew, you were unconscious, seemingly in a locker. That... thing must've gotten to you, perhaps you forgot how. But, focusing on the situation at hand, how would you get out of this locker, in which you knew from three slants allowing you light. Well, at least they let you breathe.

     Slowly, you stepped out of it to see two people: two highschoolers, a boy and a girl, to be exact. The girl was a blonde and was wearing purple and pink with music note accessories, while the guy had a dirty tealish colour for hair, accompanied with LOTS of black, and a really nice black hat! You adjusted your hoodie, and waited for the two to notice you.

     As they conversed, they didn't take notice of you. It looks like you might have to wait a bit. Of course, you weren't one for waiting, but it would be rude to interrupt them. Well, at least you could be nice for once. Who knew being kidnapped and ending up with strangers would teach you to be nice? ...But yeah, putting the sarcasm aside, you stood by the locker you had previously come out of as you spaced out, waiting for them to take notice of you. And they sure took their sweet time! But when the boy looked away, he caught a glimpse of you: pouting and crossing your arms. He immediately stiffened up, causing the girl to look in his direction and widen her eyes in realization. Yeah, nice to know you aren't invisible.

     "O-Oh," The teenage girl said, looking at you, obviously startled. "I didn't see you there, I'm sorry. But I suppose you're and ultimate student too, right? I mean, you look like a teenager like us."

     "Yeah, I'm a stranger, and a teenager. Why do you wanna know?" You narrowed your eyes at this seemingly innocent girl. "You could plan to attack me for all I know, and I expect an answer from you, don't leave me hanging!"

     "A-Ah, um... We don't know anything about the situation we're in, I promise." The boy spoke up. "We're as clueless as you-"

     "D-Don't call me clueless! It's not my fault that I was kidnapped... but of course I wouldn't know anything!" You barked, showing your hostile side. "So... I don't wanna be treated like some kind of baby, hmph..."

     "Hey, don't worry! I'm Akamatsu Kaede, nice to meet you! I think you're an Ultimate student, so I'll just tell you mine. I'm the ultimate pianist, nice to meet you!"

     "U-Um, and I'm... I'm Saihara Shuichi. Ultimate detective, but I don't really see myself as one..."

     "...I'm uh, um, well... I'm (L-L/n) (Y/n), Ultimate DJ. Don't forget it!"

     Oh, how much of a problem you'll be in the future, the two simultaneously thought.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 23, 2018 ⏰

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