Scarlet and Daniel

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Frist oc

Name: scarlet

Last name: roseprince 

Gender: girl

Age: 16 

Sexuality: don't know 

Hair: either in a Baird or ponytail 

Hair color: red 

Eye color: brown 

Hight: 5ft

Weight: is kinda cubby 

Sprit animal: fox 

Tatto: a fire flower

Clothes: red or black crop top hoddie, a grey Tanktop, black shorts,  a few pricings, a  black chocker, and red shoes 

Personality: outgoing, a fangirl, somewhat annoying, is always hyper, supports the lgbtq+ ALOT, wants to stay a singel pringel lol, gets bullied but doesn't care, and is a gamer

Likes: her best brother friend Daniel, video games, hugs, yelling, shiping, cute things, dogs and cats, and any food that is sweet.

Crush: none 

Dating: she wants to stay a singel pringel


Second oc 

Gender: male 

Name: Daniel or Dan for short 

Last name: iceflower 

 Sexuality: gay potato

Hair: has short hair but with a fluff (kinda like markplier's hair)

Hair color: brown and blue 

Hight: 5,7 

Eye color: right eye is dark blue, left eye is a pale ice color 

Weight: skinny yet semi muscular

Spirt animal: wolf 

Tatto: a ice rose 

 Clothes: white tank top, blue checkerd flannel, Bennie, ripped geans, has gauges and some pricings, and dark blue and black shoes

Personality: freaking adorable, playful, gets bullied, is tough, wants to be loved, is shy, out going, IS A FREAKING CINNAMON ROLL, and semi flirty 

Likes: to be bottom 😏 Lol, ice cream, cold weather, cuddles, running, hugs, the forest, winter, sweet things, movies, flower crowns, rainbows, wolves, and his bsff scarlet

Crush: none 

Dateing: none just wants to find the right guy

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