After the Result / Skating Rink

Start from the beginning

Taemin (whispering while hugging Nauen) : Nauen-ah take care. Be well while I am away. I really don't want to let you go. Ahh.. ahh...

Taemin thinking - I think I am falling in love with you. This is for real.

Taemin : Let's have a serious talk when I get back. Ok?

Nauen nodded : Yes Oppa. Please take care while you're in Japan. Come back safely.

Shinee's Dorm

Taemin walks in the dorm. Onew eating in the kitchen as usual. Minho playing socceer in his Xbox. Key is inside his room, browsing online for clothes that he wants to purchase. Jjong browsing his mobilephone and chatting with his friends.

Taemin went in the kitchen table and sat down. Minho saw this and went over too. Jjong sat down too.

Taemin : Hey! Why are you two here? (Looking at Minho and Jjong) i just want to talk with Onew Hyung alone.

Minho/ Jjong : We want to included with whatever you want to talk about. Is it serious?

Taemin : Yes, sort of. Ok. You two can stay. But listen first before saying anything or teasing me, ok?

Minho/Jjong/Onew : Go ahead

Taemin : Ok. I want Nauen to be my girlfriend for real. I want to confess my feelings for her as soon as possible.

Onew : Are you sure? (Minho and Jjong looking at Taemin seriously)

Taemin : Yes. I am sure. i have been thinking about her a lot these days.

Onew : What are your plans?

Taemin : Well, first i want to ask Nauen if she would like to be my girl. I already told her that i want us to talk when we get back from Japan. I don't have any plans yet. That is why i am asking you what should i do? How should i do it?

Onew : You need to talk with Nauen first, if she likes you too. Then you have to ask her if it's alright with her to make it public. Whatever you decide, we have to let the company know. including her company because they have the right to know about your choice.

Minho : Yes. I agree with Onew Hyung. You can't decide on your own if you will make your relationship public or not.

Jjong : Remember what happen to me. Taemin-ah? It was a mess. The fans left so many negative comments online that made it were so difficult for both of us.

Taemin : I want to avoid that too. Maybe we need to hide it to everyone except all members and the company. Can we do that?

Minho : I think that is possible. But you will have some problem.

Taemin : Like what?

Minho : You won't be able to meet openly or even talk during any broadcast as fans and other people are very instinctive with these kind of things. Also reporters have a very keen eye when you try to hide something.

Jjong : Yes, let it be a lesson to you what happen to my relationship. I don't want you to suffer.

Taemin : I don't want Nauen to get hurt. I don't mind getting the hate, but I don't want her to be sad about us.

Minho : You better talk things thru with Nauennie.

Onew : Taemin-ah. Are you really sure? Is it still like or something else?

Taemin looking straight to Onew's eyes : Yes Hyung, (looking at everyone) I have never felt like this with anyone. You all know what I have been through, what we all went through to achieve our dream, our goal. But after meeting Nauen and getting to know her. My goals and dreams seem meaningless if she not by my side.

Onew : Oh Taemin-ah. I am so proud of you. With whatever you two decide, I am always here for help and support.

Jjong Hugs Taemin : Me too. I am here for you.

Minho (laughs) : Why are all of you being so serious? This is a joyous occasion. Taeminnie finally has fallen in love. We should celebrate. What time is our flight?

Jjong : Morning. Why?

Onew gets up and took some beers from the fridge.: Let's drink and celebrate. We just have to wear sunglasses tomorrow so no one would see that we are all still drunk. And don't forget to shower before leaving and spray colognes. (Laughing) Minho, call Key. He will have a fit if we don't tell him about this.

Minho yelling for Key to come out of his room.

Key : What? Too much noise. I have to complete my shopping before we leave.

Minho : Pause a bit. We are celebrating.

Key : Celebrate what? Did I forget someone's birthday? (Looks puzzled)

Jjong : Taemin finally admits that he loves Nauennie. Not just like but love. L-O-V-E.

Key : (snorts) We all know that. Even a blind man can see that Taemin loves her.

Minho : Well.. I have to agree with you. Even some of the people we know are asking if Taemin loves Nauen.

Jjong : Yes. He wears his heart on his sleeve. Everyone who knows him will know.

Taemin laughing and thank all of his members. He is so glad that his members are supporting him with his decision. He knows that what he decides can have an impact on their group. And their unanimous support makes him so glad that these four are his members.

They drunk and talk about their love life. First date. First kiss. First everything. Taemin excited that he would do his entire first with Nauen. He just hopes and prays that Nauen feels the same.

The next day, when their manager picked them up, everyone has already showered and ready to depart. All are wearing sunglasses and their manager kept wondering why. Their manager is also surprised that no one is talking. 

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