Coming of Age

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Taemin : Is it ok that I am wearing red?

Manager : Yes. It looks fine.

Taemin : Fine? Not handsome enough? Do you think she will notice that I made myself look nicer for her?

Manager: oh.. Taemin-ah.. Do you really like her that much?

Taemin : Hyung, I like her since I saw her debut. I have wanted to get close to her but I don't know how to do it. We are from different company and I still have the dating restriction.

Manager : Did you even make a move before?

Taemin : well... many times.. There was this one time and we were standing on stage and her group was in between us and Exo.. I tried to act casual and maybe talk to her.. but I got embarrassed so I approach Jongin instead. Kept walking behind her and trying to get her attention but she did not even notice me.

Manager : Really? I think I saw a video of that online

Taemin: Oh I did not see that video. Better search it later..

Manager : we are here

Taemin: wish me luck Hyung

Manager : Good Luck!!!

After Filming

Minho/Key are waiting for Taemin to finish filming so they can all go home together

Minho : Did you see how Taeminnie reacted when I said Nauen selected another member from Shinee instead of him?

Key : I got kinda scared with that. I thought his temper will explode. He turned red with rage.

Minho : Good thing we were able to pacify him. I was amazed that with just one comment from Nauen that she thinks of him in between filming made him relax again

Key : Yes. I was surprised too. Cause before it took 4 of us to calm him down.

Minho : Yup. I think Nauen is a good influence to our Taeminie. But poor Jjong Hyung, Taeminie will never forget about this.

Key : Yes, Poor Jjong Hyung. Taemin will always remember that. He has been crushing on her for some time now. Glad he got this chance to express all of it to her openly. Just wish she can take all the bad comments she has been getting.

Minho : Yeah, it was not her fault that Taeminie like her this much. Ohh... shhh... here he comes..

Taemin and Nauen are walking side by side and Taemin seems to want to talk longer with Nauen

Taemin : Let me think of a plan for our next filming. Don't be nervous. We will be together.

Nauen : Thanks Oppa. See you. I better go, manager is waiting for me. (Sees Minho and Key and bow in their direction) (Then smiles at Taemin while waving when Taemin smile too she blushed)

Taemin : Thanks. Also for wearing the socks. I saw but didn't get the chance to tell you.

Nauen smiles and walks away.

Key : Taeminnie.. Hurry.. I am tired. Let's go

Taemin continues to look at the direction Nauen is going...

Minho goes over to Taemin and half drag him towards the van.

Minho : Come on Taemin-ah. You are making it too obvious that you fancy her.

Taemin : Is it really obvious? (Confused) really? And I am holding myself back so she would not notice.

Key : (already inside the van) You are holding back. Omg!!! So if you show it in full force. She will probably die from your sweetness. Let's go. Come on. Get in.

Minho still ushering Taemin to go in: She already in her van and will probably leave soon. We better go too.

Taemin making one last look : Ok Hyung. (Gets in the van then Sighing while taking his seat) Hyung, how can I get her number?

Minho : You still haven't ask? Why? Is it really that nerve wrecking for you to ask outright?

Taemin : Yes. Whenever, I think about asking her. My mouth closed off. My throat dries up and my palms keep sweating. (I can't let them know that I feel something strange too. No. Definitely won't tell them as the teasing will be non-stop until I die)

Key : You really got it bad. Our Taeminnie has grown up. Wait until I tell Jjong and Onew Hyung. (Tells manager) Let's go.

Minho : But Taemin-ah, I heard from other idols and some celebrity that Nauen is one tough chick. No one can get her number and she is so hard to approach.

Key : Oh. I heard about that too. Some of the people I know kept asking how you feel that the impenetrable girl is now your wife.

Taemin : What? Impenetrable? Who is spreading that word?

Minho : Many guy idols. It seems she doesn't talk much to other people. It's either she is too shy and not that friendly. I heard some of them tried getting her number and so far no one got the luck.

Taemin: Like who? Who tried to get her number? (Jealousy oozing) Who do you know that is interested in her?

Key : Why? So you will get more jealous?? No way am I telling you who are interested in her. Do you think I'm insane?

Minho : Me too. I know that temper of yours. You would probably be so furious if you know which one is interested in her.

Taemin: (shouting) just tell me.. Who???

Minho/Key : (shouting) NO!!!!

Key : I know Dong Woon from Beast have her number. But he is not interested in her that way.

Taemin : He has? How did he get it?

Key : They are from the same company. So it's probably easier to ask. Try asking directly.

Taemin : I am nervous to ask directly. And I don't want to ask in the usual manner. I want it to be different so she will remember it forever. I want it to be special.

Minho : You are over thinking. Just ask her. Don't take too long. It has been what 2 months already. Ask her or someone might beat you in asking her number.

Key : Yes. Minho is right. Just ask her directly

Taemin : I don't know. Oh.. And the next filming is with the other couples. I need some alone time with her. I want to spend time with just her.

Minho/Key starts teasing Taemin. Laughing so loud inside the van. Teasing him and asking what he will do when they are alone. While Taemin is covering his ears from all the teasing, trying to hide the smile on his face.  

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