After the Photoshoot

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Taemin's Room

Taemin is lost in thought. Her hands were soft. And when she was coming near him, his heart felt like it was exploding. His mind can't function properly. He sighs. He kept thinking that Nauen really looks good in a wedding dress. He is imagining what she would look like when she really is wearing her own wedding dress. Smiling, imagining that the groom was him. He sighs again.

Taemin's Hyung went in his room. Saw the dazed smiling look of his younger brother.

TM Hyung : Hey! What are you daydreaming about? Your girl?

Taemin : Hyung.. Hello. How are you? (smiling) Yes!!!

TM Hyung : I am good. What about you? You will be in Japan by next week right?

Taemin : Yes. We will be having our concert.

TM Hyung : How's your married life? (Laughs)

Taemin : (smiling and laughs) Good. I held her hand this morning during a photoshoot for the show. It was so soft. I also got her number now. (Laughing) and we constantly talked.

TM Hyung: You are too happy. (Laughing while teasing his younger brother) Are your feelings for her enough to do it for real?

Taemin : What do you mean Hyung?

TM Hyung : I meant do you think you can date her for real. Not just for the program. Are you confident?

Taemin : Hyung, (being serious) I had a crush on Nauen for almost 2 years mow, ever since I saw her in her debut stage. I always find her cute and pretty. But today, before the photo shoot. I felt my heart flutter non-stop at the sight of her. When we are close, I feel that my heart will explode. I felt so happy and scared at the same time. Even holding her hands made me lose focus on my job. I couldn't concentrate about anything while I am holding on to her hand.

TM Hyung : (being serious) Taemin-ah... I think your feelings for her are getting serious. Not just a crush or for the show or about your job. You might have to make a decision later if you really want to push this thru. Imagine yourself in a year, or 5 years from now. Do you still want her to be by your side? If yes, then you should carefully think of all the scenarios that might happen. Your company, your fans. How it would affect your life and her life especially as both of you are idols with fandoms.

Taemin : oh Hyung... (With a somewhat panic look)

TM Hyung : Don't panic yet. I know that you are having fun right now especially while filming. But you should think about the serious part too. If you really want to date her. if you want to do it openly or in secret. Whatever your decision is, don't forget to talk it over with her. As this does not only affect your life and career. It's hers too. After you think it through. You must talked with her and make the decision that both of you can agree. Ok?

Taemin : Thanks Hyung. I will think everything that you said. Thanks for always supporting me. (hugs his brother)

TM Hyung : I am always here for you. Do not doubt that. If you date her for real. Make sure to bring her here to meet Mom and Dad and of course me too. I really like Apink. But I like Chorong more. (laughs)

Taemin : Do you want me to ask Nauen her number for you? (Teasing his Hyung)

TM Hyung : Oh no... I'm too shy. (Smiling) let's go and eat. Table has been prepared.

Taemin: Beef? (Hopeful)

TM Hyung : of course. (Laughing)

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