10. All for me?

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"Axel.." he tilts his head some "I like you will you go out with me?" I sign. He looks at me shocked "do it again" I smile and sign it again. He covers his mouth with his hands "no way you just did that how? You did that all for me?" I chuckle "I'm still learning" I sign "your deaf counselor helped me along with the sign language teacher" he laughs with what looks like tears in his eyes. He nods his head "I will go out with you bad boy" he signs "I got all but the last bit" "I said I will go out with you bad boy" I move closer to him and kiss his check "I'll be back soon baby boy I have to take care of something" he nods "will you be back after school?" "Yes I'm gonna pick you up" I smile and walk away looking at my watch I still have time I text Peter "I'll be there soon make sure everyone is ready" I get on my bike and speed off heading to my warehouse. I drive my bike straight into the warehouse doors. I get off and get into the van nodding to Peter I throw my hood on and but my sunglasses on.

upon getting there I turn on my voice changer and shake hands with the stereotype gangster. I smirk "hello are you ready for this meeting?" he nods and leads the way. I look back at Peter telling him to follow me. we talked about teaming up against this gang that things they are badass. we shake on our agreement we now have a bond a trust. as soon as we get back to the warehouse I watch a boxing match before I get on my bike heading back to the school to pick up Axel. I get there with 3 minutes to spare so I have to think about where I'm going to take him.

I think I've got I know where I'm going to take him. I'm so much in thought I don't notice that school is out until Axel jumps on me giggling. I smile "hey babe" he kisses my cheek and gets down but I still hold him close. "Ace let go" he tries to get free. I smirk "first give me a kiss please" he blushes and nods, he slowly leans up on his tippy toes and I lean down. he gives me a short sweet kiss. I let go and hand him a helmet. "lets go cutie" I sign. he still looks shocked that I learned.

Hello again.... do you guys that are reading like this story?????

bad boy learns to signHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin