XXI. Sick Obsession

Start from the beginning

I pound my fist on the desk, causing him to stop talking. "Alice belongs to me."

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Neilson, Alice has a boyfriend who is a good guy! She is happy! Let her be!"

I lean my elbow on the desk, running my hands through my hair. "What the fuck do you expect me to do? I've been pushing back these sick emotions for Alice for a long time, waiting for her to grow up, so we can be together. I just-" I pause.

"Just didn't expect another guy to swoop in and steal her," he finishes my sentence.

"I don't know if this is love, but I fucking need Alice, Drew. I'm going insane right now," I grumble, laying my head on the desk. "I just need something, some dirt about this kid, so that Alice will break up with him."

Drew sat there, shaking his head, knowing anything he says will not get through my thick skull.

There's a knock on the door, and I straighten myself out. "Come in." I return to my cold tone, and one of the guys walks in with a folder. "What is it?"

He laid down the folder in front of me. "I've been investigating regarding Ian Van den Berg," he said, and Drew gave me a disappointed look.

"Report," I circled my hand, knowing he probably got nothing, again.

"I found something," he said.

"What?" I ask, almost too quickly. I must be the most pathetic mafia member in the world, asking one of my guys to investigate a teenage relationship because I'm desperate for a girl.

"It seems that Ian does not love Alice. He is using her to get close to this girl," he said, pulling out a phone showing a girl that is the complete opposite of Alice. She isn't even remotely close to being drop-dead gorgeous as Alice. Why would he want her? This kid is blind, and after I'm through with him, I'll make sure he is physically blind too.

I smile and dismiss the guy.

"Oh, Neilson, you're fucking in deep," Drew said.

"What would you do if someone stole your women?" I hum, placing the photo down, feeling a lot calmer.

He chuckles. "A dead man can't steal my woman," he playfully punches me in the arm, and I nod, wondering which one of us is the real crazy one.

Then again, it would be easier to kill the kid off and call it a day, maybe get some pizza afterward.

I shake off that thought and grab my coat.

"Where are you going?" Drew asks, lifting a brow.

I smirk, "Visiting the kid."

He walks over to me, patting my shoulder. "Don't hurt him too badly."

I scoff, "You were going to kill a guy."

Drew shrugs, walking back towards the couch. "We are gang members. Killing is like taking a daily shit."

Sitting at the bar, I twirl the pen in my fingers, waiting for the fucking kid to arrive. I can hear a few feet shuffling. "Who the fuck are you two! Let me go!" Ian screams until he sees me.

"What do you want?"

I gesture to him to sit down. I can see the sweats forming on his forehead, trembling hand pulling out the chair, taking a seat. "I'm going to make this short, break up with Alice."

He lifts a brow and scoffs. The little bitch actually scoffs at me. "And why should I?" He asks, daringly leaning forward, clenching his shaky hands, attempting to look strong.

"Because Alice is mine."

He smirks, "Alice isn't yours; she is my girlfriend. Hence she is mine." I ground my teeth as he places an elbow on the table, leaning inward. "And from what I know, you have no right to intervene in Alice's life. After all, your nothing but the older brother next door."

"I know you've been using Alice to get close to another girl," I said, expecting him to be shocked, but instead, he cracks out laughing.

He stands up, running his fingers through his hair. "So, does Alice and I tell you, my cute sweetheart doesn't mind," he winks, passing by the guards.

They glance at me, and I shake my head.

I like to take care of the problem personally.

I like to take care of the problem personally

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