(CHAPTER 3) The Stayover

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I do not own Karakai Jouzou no Takagi San. All rights reserved by their respective owners.

Nishikata's POV:-
*Takagi San is gonna come over to my house. Better clean up my room and take a shower before she arrives.*Nishikata hurried over to his house.He was so happy.

Takagi San's POV:-
*I am gonna be at my... My...... Boyfriend's home. I am super excited. She rushed over to her house, a smile hanging on her lips.*

But Nishikata reached home to meet quite a surprise. He found the door locked.
"Eh.... Its locked. Why?"
Just then he recieved a text on his phone from his parents.Which said this:-

- Nishikata, your dad and I have got some urgent buisness to deal with.We are entrusting you with the house for 3 days. The key is under the third flower pot from left. Be careful and lock the door properly,okay.Well , bye then.
Nishikata almost fell down but got a hold of himself somehow. His heart still racing with nervousness and excitement.
*Me..... And Takagi San...... Aloooonnneee!!*
Wild thoughts crossed his mind,but he somehow managed to get in the house and went straight to clean up his room. He was really good at cleaning, after all his girlfriend was coming over.He closed the curtians and turned on the AC so that the room could cool down from the raging heat.

"Okay... Its 1:30 PM I 'll go get a shower."

At Takagi San's home.
"Okay..... I took a shower and packed my stuff. I am ready to go."
She headed downstairs.

"Mom!! I will be spending the day at one of my friend's to do homework and stuff."
"Okay..... But dont be too late and be careful on your way."
"Okay... I'll be going then..... "

She rushed over to her boyfriend's.She was just as excited as he was.

-At Nishikata's home-
Nishikata had showered and just finished dressing up. Just then he heard his doorbell ring.
*Takagi San!! She is here. Okay... Be calm.*His brain told him.
He ran down the stairs hurriedly and opened the door.
Well, sure enough, She was standing there.
He blushed a little and let her in.
"Nishikata... Why are none of the lights on? Is there no one here? "She inquired.
"Yeah.... My mom and dad left for some urgent work. They left a note. They'll be back in 3 days."
She felt her heart skip a beat.
*Me... And Nishikata.... A... Alone!!*She was overjoyed. Just then Nishikata's voice broke the silence.
"Takagi San.. Its hot down here lets head to my room. You go on ahead I will bring you some water. "
"Uh.... Ok."She replied,and started to head up as Nishikata went to the kitchen to get some nice cold water.
She entered his room.She would be lying if she said she was not impressed with how tidy it was. It was cool in there. But one thing was making her crazy,this room reeked with Nishikata's scent.Although she was always calm on the outside but she did sniff Nishikata a lot when they were together and that literally made her mind go blank. Her brain just kept telling her to jump up on his bed and cuddle with his pillow,and she might have done that if Nishikata didn't open the door and called her name, which brought her back to reality.
"Takagi San? Why are you standing,why don't you take a seat? "He asked her while handing her the cool glass of water.
"Oh.... Nothing... I was just looking at how tidy your room is. "She said as she drank the water.
"Thanks.... "He blushed a little.
-Complete Silence for 5 seconds-
"So, lets begin the homework. "Nishikata instructed while trying to figure out where to study.
"Um... Yes. "
"Where do we sit, I have only one chair.... "He said with a confused voice.
"We can use the bed as a table and sit down on the floor. "
"Oh... Yeah that's a good idea. "
"Well then, lets begin.... "
And both of them started to do some homework.
It had only been about 10 minutes and Nishikata complained...
"I can't focus, this room is so cool because of the AC I am getting so sleepy..... "
"What.... But we just started.. "Takagi San smiled.
"I know that but....... "
Before he could finish his sentence he was cut off by Takagi San as she motioned towards him and placed her lips on his!!
"He pushed her with as little force as possible, which showed that even he didn't want this to end,although he knew he was dying out of embarrassment."
"What are you doing? "He cried.
"Waking you up.... Sleepy head boyfriend.See it worked, you are all awake now. "She said with a naughty smile.
"Well.... Thats all ok but.... "

He was Cut off one more time again by her lips.
This kiss was a little more romantic, she was sucking very slowly,sweetly on his lips.

He didn't resist. It felt like the kiss sucked out all of the power from his limbs.
He instead put both of his hands on her back and pulled her to sit in his lap.
She was surprised as hell, but followed his instructions.Now they were caught in a very tight embrace as she was sitting in his lap. She started it.He would not be responsible for any uncontrolled actions.

While Takagi San woke up from her complete surprise, she was met with another surprise. He was sucking her lips. Even more forcefully than she did.
They could feel it, this was getting hotter.... and hotter.
A few moments later ,both opened their eyes at the same time and out of embarrassment, instantly broke the kiss. In the shock,Takagi San accidentally bit Nishikata's lower lip, not forcefully, it was rather seductive. Such a turn on for him.
"T... Ta... Takagi San.... "Nishikata Murmered while completely out of his breath.
"N...... Ni... Nishikata"Her state was the same.
"I'm sorry...... I... Just....."He apologized
"Don't apologize..... I.... You know... Like it.... "She looked at him with eyes which demanded love.
He got lost in her beautiful pearls (eyes).
"Takagi San... "
"Nishikata..... "
Once again they started kissing, this time a little more romantic rather than forcefull. It was amazing that both of them were just middle schoolers but still so good at kisses.Even though they had each other's first kisses.

They moaned each other's name between the kisses.Hugging each other as tightly as they could.
Nishikata was so happy. And just when he
thought this couldn't get any better ,Takagi san took a short break from the heated kisses and....... Started kissing his neck!!
Nishikata was caught completely offguard by her.
"Takagi San...... What are you.. "
God he was so turned on by this.
"I am loving you."She said as she looked at him with naughty eyes.
"Huh... That's just not fair.I.....I... wanna love you too..... "He cried and pulled her closer and invaded her neck!!
"Wha..... Nishikata...... "She moaned.
"This is payback.... "He said while he continued to kiss her neck.
This was getting better and better. She never imagined him to be so bold when it came to actions like these.
"Nishikata.... Lets.. Lets... Try something new.. "
"Huh.... What? "
"Stick out your tounge... "
"Haahh.... "
"Just do it Nishikata."
"O... Ok.... "
As soon as he stick it out she started sucking on it.
*What... This feels so.. So different.... I wanna do it too.... *
He pushed his lips forward and as a result their tounges touched. He slowly moved his tounge around hers. They were loving it. Whatever they did, it made them love each other more and more...
Now this was becoming more and more intense each second. Sometimes the battlefield would be Nishikata's mouth and sometimes the duel of thier tounges would shift to her's.
So much saliva was getting mixed and they were drinking it.They were drinking each others love.It was flowing out, their mouths were dripping wet. There was no doubt,they loved each other more than anything else in the world.
After such a long, heated and intense makeout session, they finally parted, both being breathless ,looking at eachother.
"So, you awake now Nishikata. "She asked while still out of her breath.
"Huh..... I guess I had never been so awake."
"So ,what time is it now?"She inquired.
"Its..... 4:00P:M."He said as he looked in his phone.
"So we have been doing all of this for about 2 hours.Guess I was enjoying too much."She Chuckled as she noticed Nishikata's face reddening.
"Ok, So lets get back to studying. "She said as she gave Nishikata a chaste kiss.
"Um.... Yeah... "Nishikata Nooded.
*Wait, did she just kiss me and I didn't even flinch. When did it become so casual for me to get kisses from her. Maybe in the last two hours I guess.*Nishikata Thought.
"Are you thinking something perverted.... Nishikataa.... "She said with a grin.
"What... No... I was just."
"You were dissapointed that we are gonna study now. "She said while launching another develish grin at him.
"Why you........ "
"Don't worry we have still got the whole summer ahead of us."She said as she burst into laughter.
"I guess. "And both of them went back to studying.

Ok.So here it is. Do you like it. Tell me in the comments. And so sorry that it took me so long to write, actually I once accidentally forgot to save the last part and that did it. I completed it 2 or 3 weeks before but I had to write almost half of it again and I am only 14 years old and I go to school so I have got Other works to do too. But I will try to post more regularly now. So if you like it add it to your library and please follow me.Thats all.

Next Part and Many more Parts will come soon. So wait for them okay.

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