5-I need to know

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"Just curious..."

"Why were you crying earlier? Was he being his typical jerk self?"

"I don't know, I'm just tired I guess. You know how he is.." She looks at me like she knows I'm hiding something.

"You didn't have sex with him did you?" She asks wide eyed.

I look at her shocked "NO!, oh God no." I say shaking my head.

She laughs "I just wanted to see your reaction, if you did, I was going to say I wouldn't blame you, the man is damn good looking."

"Why, is he known for sleeping with everyone?"

"Not that I'm aware of, I've only seen him with maybe a couple different woman in the 10 years that I've worked for him."

"10 years? He's 30, he's owned the company that long?" I say shocked.

"Yes, from my understanding he started building his empire when he was around 15 or 16."

"Wow, that's crazy."

"It is, but it shows how smart he is, he definitely knows what he's doing..." she says pausing.

"Well we should get back before we're late, just cheer up will ya. He does leave for New York tomorrow, so you'll have a nice quiet break for a few days." She says with a laugh.

Back at work, when Sandy and I were walking in Mr. Matthews was on a rampage. She leans over and whispers "He's back." She said with a smirk before running to her desk.

I sit back down at my desk and take the phone call that was coming in. While I was on the phone writing dates down for his next big meeting I looked up and he was leaning down with his hands on my desk. His eyes were like they were before we went to Paris, looked like he was going to kill me. "In my office when you're off the phone." He said firmly.

My stomach dropped and I started to shake. I must have screwed something up I thought to myself. After I get off the phone I waited a few minutes taking deep breaths to calm down. I nervously go knock on his door, and open the door slowly.

I walk in and he scared the crap out of me. I didn't see him and when the door shut I felt him grab me and turned me around facing him. His eyes went from anger to lust and kissed me hard. I kissed him back for a few seconds and then shoved him off.

"What are you doing? I whisper loudly so nobody could hear me.

"I can't do this anymore."

"Do what?

"I tried ignoring you, backing off from you, then I saw the tears in your eyes.." He says as he cups my face.

"We can't do this, not here." I insist to him quietly.

"Don't you feel anything? Anything at all?" He asks desperately.

I don't say a word I just stare into his desperate eyes, "I need to get back to work." I say to him softly as a tear slowly rolls down my cheek.

"Talk to me." He begs.

"I have to get back before everyone out there starts to think something is going on between us."

"Let them think... I don't really care."

He inches closer to me, and my breathing starts to become heavier the closer he gets to me. I keep backing up and I end up backing into the wall.

He touches my lips with his thumb gently caressing them, he starts making me feel weak in the knees, and I finally give in. I wrap my arms around him kissing him hard as he shoves his tongue in my mouth, I let out a soft moan and grab onto his hair pulling him in closer to me.

He starts kissing my neck "I knew you had to feel something." He whispers as he's placing kisses along my neck. I place my hands on his face bringing his lips to mine, I end up pulling back trying to catch my breath.

"I have to go." I say to him rushing out of his office. I hurry out of his office and head to the bathroom. I lean over the sink looking in the mirror. "What the hell am I doing?" I mumble.

Once 5:00 hit I hurried to get out of there before Levi would say he was going to give me a ride home. I didn't want to deal with him anymore today. I was able to get a cab right away when I went outside.

I walk inside my apartment and I hear my phone making noises. I look at my phone figuring it was probably Levi and it was.

Where are you?

I'm at home.

How did you get home?

A Cab..

I thought I told you that you couldn't leave until I said you could?

Well I had to leave, I'm suppose to meet my sister for dinner.

I could have given you a ride home, I wasn't done talking to you earlier.

I have to go, I'll see you when you get back from New York.

I lied to him and I feel guilty about it, but I just needed to relax and think about what I'm doing. I start relaxing on the couch after putting a movie on and started to doze off. Just as I was dozing off there was a knock at my door. "You've got be fricken kidding me!" I snap.

I get up to answer it swearing at Levi for not leaving me alone tonight and when I opened the door I was shocked that it wasn't him.

"What are you doing here?

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