You Really Are So Strange!

Start from the beginning

The other students gaped blatantly at the two. Akanksha was disappointed. She got up and walked out into the ordinary din outside the classroom. Never had she felt so indignant. She didn't see where she was going and thus, ended up in the library.
The library was empty besides the librarian and few eleventh graders studying or reading magazines, whatever.
She stationed herself at the farthest corner of the place and remained there, quiet, contemplating but still gloomy. She hadn't meant to fight with Shweta.
Things were going so downhill for her. Akanksha was too worked up.

Then suddenly, someone placed a hand on her shoulder. She looked up.
'Are you okay?' Asked Karan with more than enough and genuine concern. She gazed at him with blank, depressed eyes.
'I'm sorry.'
'About what?' He took a seat beside her.
'About yesterday. I'm sorry I said all those words to you. I know now that you were just being yourself. Maybe you are just different. Different in a strange way. I didn't really want to hurt you or anything.'
Karan actually chuckled. Akanksha relaxed slightly.
'Yeah well... I told you I think differently.' He said.
'So you forgive me?'
Karan smiled.
'Of course. I'm still your friend, right?'
'I guess...'
'Damn.' Karan laughed again, 'Aren't you straightforward! And straight-faced.'
She arched an eyebrow.
'Okay. Never mind that.' He said, 'At least we're cool.' He paused, 'However... what was that all about?'
'You...' The hesitation was sudden and clear, 'You got a boyfriend?'

Akanksha smacked her forehead.
'Oh okay. Good.'
'We were talking about you.'
'Wait what?!'
'Did you tell Shweta that I accepted you as my boyfriend?'
'Huh?' Karan stopped. Blinked. 'Oh shit... yeah... I remember now. I did.'
'Why?' Akanksha felt like she had aged fifty years.
'You know what I meant! I meant that I'm your friend now and I'm a boy. So I'm your boy, space, friend.'
'Do you think she'd not misunderstand if you say it like that!'
'Oops.' He murmured.
Akanksha breathed quite angrily. Then stopped and calmed down.

'Whatever.' She said, her flat tone restored, 'Explaining it to them will take forever.'
'Nah.' Karan waved at her, 'Five words. And it'll be done.'
She looked at him.
'Five words from you, that is.'
'Yup. I take pride in convincing people, trust me.'
Karan noticed the skepticism.
'You don't believe me? Okay. Come on, we'll go and do it now.'

He grabbed her hand and started pulling her out of the library.
'But won't it seem strange that you're covering for me? Or trying to straighten things? They don't know it was you who we were talking about.'
'How do you know your little friend hasn't already squealed it into each and every one of their ears?'
Akanksha stopped.
'She hasn't.'
Karan glanced at her,
'Whatever. You know her. Not me. Now let's go.'
'What? You want this—I dunno—false "rumor" to stay?' Karan smirked, 'You want popularity too or something?'

Anger filled her once more,
'Stop it.'
Karan was taken aback by her tone and ceased speaking immediately. Akanksha yanked her hand out of his and straightened to her full height.
'You know what? You're right. They will agree instantly. And I don't even care if I'm saying this but maybe Shweta has revealed your name by now. It'll just make things easier.' She resumed walking and a sort of stiffness was reflected in her stride.
Karan stared at her as he walked along with her.

They reached the classroom. Akanksha looked away. Karan addressed the chattering crowd.
'Everybody listen!'
All the students gaped at the two standing at the threshold of the classroom. He noticed the knowing looks few of them were shooting at them, and he knew that Shweta really had spit it out. He also realised that Akanksha had realised it too.
'Five words.' Karan whispered to her seriously, 'You sure you want me to say it?' She shot him yet another enraged glare. Karan turned back to the now murmuring crowd.
'It. Was. All. A. Misunderstanding.' He announced loudly.

'Told you.'
'Damn misunderstanding though.'
But they all soon dropped it. Nothing too much to get animated about. Akanksha finally felt thankful.
She walked over to her seat, completely oblivious to the brooding boy beside her and did not talk to Shweta for the rest of the day.
When the last bell rang, she swiftly slung her bag over her shoulders and began taking her leave.
'Akanksha wai—'
'See you tomorrow.' She declared firmly. Shweta received no chance to utter another word.

Outside, Karan caught up with Akanksha.
'Is it okay? Don't you want to talk things over with her?' He asked.
'No. Let her come to a proper conclusion first. Then she can apologise to me and I can forgive her.'
'Woah... perfectly steadfast in your decisions, aren't you?'
'It was all your fault to begin with!'
She glared at him again.
'It was and I'm sorry.' He replied in a small voice.
'You better be.' Claimed Akanksha. And then she realised she was being too haughty.
'Never mind anymore.' She said.
Silence descended upon them as they walked home.

When they reached the Sagar railing however, the tranquility was broken.
'Our conversation yesterday... it didn't end properly, did it?' Began Akanksha. Karan nodded casually.
'There is nothing to continue of it.' He said.
'But there is.'
'What is?'
'Why do you want to find a path up there? Up in the air?'
'Let's just say, I'm a completely nonsensical human being.'
'That you are.'
Karan laughed at her bluntness.
'I guess... it would be a different experience.' She continued.
'What would be?'
'Indulging in your nonsense.'
'Ahaha, what's with this?'
She looked at him sincerely.
'Yo—you're being serious?' He stammered.

Akanksha rolled her eyes.
'You know, once upon a time I considered taking you as my rival.'
'Sheesh. That's the last word I want to hear. But maybe its coming from you is supposed to be different.'
'In a good way or a bad way?'
'In an epic way.'

He smiled broadly all of a sudden.
'Don't you smile too much?' Asked she.
'I'm just surprised that you agreed to my absurdity.'
'Maybe it's because I just want to know you.' She said, 'Like, really know you.'
Karan stopped.
'You're the most unusual person I've ever met after all.' She started walking and turned back to face him, 'And you're also the only boy I've ever talked with or thought of the longest.'
Karan looked like he had lost his ability to converse.

Akanksha suddenly laughed at his expression.

'Woah.' Karan finally said, or rather whispered, 'You laughed...'
She pursed her lips.
'Why does everyone make it seem like I'm not human? I have all the traits of a normal girl. I just prefer to choose between some. That's it.'
'That's it.' Karan repeated, lost in thought.
Akanksha waved a hand in front of his eyes,
'You here?'
He averted his eyes,
They resumed walking.

Karan laughed.
'What?' Asked the partner.
'I look forward to working with you then.' He shot her his infamous smirk.
'"Working"...' Akanksha quoted dubiously.
The smirk did not leave Karan's face,
'Let's indulge ourselves in the most nonsensical nonsense that ever existed and end up reaching heaven!' He raised both his hands as Akanksha laughed too.

'You really are so strange!'

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