New Toy

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Dark: *runs to room* ANTI! GET UP HERE!
Anti: 'oh no what did I do now?' *runs to the room* y-yes daddy?
Dark: why are you stuttering baby? *moves closer to anti*
Anti: *backs away* a-aren't you m-mad at m-me?
Dark: no of course not baby. just come here. *puts out arms for a hug*
Anti: *goes into darks arms and nuzzles into him* hehe you're warm daddy.
Dark: *chuckles at anti's comment* why are you so cold baby boy?
Anti: I dunno *nuzzles into dark even more.*
Dark: 'ok nows the time'
Anti: *feels something put around my neck* d-daddy what a-are y-you d-doin'?
Dark: it's ok baby just tell me if it hurts you ok? *puts the shock volume on 2*
Anti: *feels a vibration through in tire body* a-ah d-daddy~ m-more p-please I w-want more~
Dark: *smirks at anti's reaction* you like that baby boy?~
Anti: y-yes daddy darky p-please press the feel good button again pleaaasssssse.
Dark: ok *hooks a leash to the collar abd shocks anti again on the highest level*
Anti: AH! YESSSSS  DADDY JUST FUCK ME ALREA-*gets cut of by dark pulling the leash and kissing him.*
Dark: *pulls away* maybe later baby.
Anti: o-ok daddy *whimpers from the loss of contact of dark after dark walks out of the room*

Meanwhile in the living room-
Mark: oh my god they are loud.
Jack: *is asleep on marks shoulder*
Mark: BUT HOW!? *is referring to jack*
Jack: *wakes up* hmm?
Mark: how in the hell can you sleep through that shit?
Jack: oh I'm used to it. Anti would bring home guys he thought were 'the one'. Of course this was before he met dark. But they all found out his kink for a shock collar and that would happen.
Mark: looks away from jack to see dark was standing at the foot of the stairs listening*
Jack: oh my god I'm so sorry! You weren't supposed to hear that. *mumbles* anti didn't want you to know.
Anti: 'he sounds mad... What did i do?'
*shyly walks down stairs* y-yes daddy?
Dark: *points upstairs motioning for mark and jack to go upstairs.*
Jack: *follows mark upstairs to their room*
Dark: *pulls on the leash to make anti stand in front of him* why didn't you tell me?
Anti: i-i'm sorry dark........ *runs upstairs, grabs jack and teleports to a forest*
Jack: anti why are we here?
Anti: *drops to the ground and starts crying* h-he's no-not t-the o-one. *crystal harder.*
Jack: oh anti come here I'm so sorry.
*hugs anti* wait anti how do you get this collar off?
Anti: i-i dunno w-why?
Jack: it has a tracking device and a key hole....oh no.... Anti y-you now b-belong to dark..
Anti: *hugs him tighter when he feels someone else teleport next to them* d-dark *sniffles, gets off of jack, and runs to dark to hug him*
Dark: *stops anti from hugging him* don't do that again please...
Anti: o-ok I w-won't *hugs dark and crys harder into his shoulder*
Dark: *grabs jack and anti then teleports back home*
Mark: oh my god jack! *runs to jack, hugs and kisses him*

Next chapter will be soon.

septipler, danti, And MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon