<<entry #398 >>

163 27 21

Date, 17/07/2011

Entry Number: 398

Dear Diary,

I was really tired today- it was strange. I felt weak, almost, which is the opposite of what i want to be feeling. mum let me stay home though, which was nice of her. i have to say, being able to sleep all day was brilliant, although i find that when youre bored, all you want to do is eat. i didnt though- i do have some self control.

I found a new word today.


No wait, thats not right.


Pertichor? Ptricore?


Just gimme one second- im gonna go google it.

Petrichor. Its the smell of rain hitting dry ground, and i think it might just be my favourite smell.

I watched a movie today; the breakfast club. Im still a bit confused by it (i fell asleep halfway through the movie because of exhaustion or whatever it was that was wrong with me) but the soundtrack was good.

Michelle rang today- she was worried about me. Probably thought id gone and offed myself (i kid, i kid, but michelles such a worry wart it sounds like something shed do). but it was sweet, yknow? like, the fact that she cared- it was really nice of her. god, i love her.

there were no adventrues today- i just didnt feel up to it. maybe tomorrow? i dunno. but i found this new band today- Vampire Weekend, i think it was. anyway, theyre pretty cool. Ill have more tomorrow, promise.

bye for now


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