Chapter 4: My Secret is a Secret for a Reason

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Beast Boy's P.O.V

We make it to the next scene of crime, the bank. I see Mumbo appear in a poof of smoke. I change into a tiger and charge him, he  dodges and I turn back into myself. "Where is she?!" I yell at him. "Who? Do you mean....Emerald, come join the show, my lovely little assistant!" I glare at him and I'm about to attack until I see Diamond twirl and set her hands on Mumbo's shoulders. "No matter what the show must go on!" She smiles deviously. "Diamond!!" I shout her name. "I'm not Diamond, I-I'm Dia-Emerald." She shakes her head and attacks with a electric bolt.

I dodge...something was weird about that bolt of energy. "Titans, attack!!" Robin yells and Diamond creates a slab of ice to float on. "Wait!!" No one listens to me and they attack anyway, at least they left Diamond to me. "Diamond come on!! It's me Beast Boy!! Remember I ate all the tofu!" Diamond giggles but soon after she stops and a frown forms on her face. "Now to make an assistant reveal her magician's secrets is a horrible crime among showbiz!!" She does jazz hands and gives a bright smile.

I see the necklace on her neck brighten slightly and notice her act become sluggish. "Wh-EWhat's going on? Beast Boy what're you-" Then the necklace fades back to its regular color. 'The necklace!!' I turn into a bird and try to grab it but she uses a fire wall to avoid my attack. 'She's actually trying to hurt me!' Then the wall falls down and is replaced with ice. 'So she is trying to somewhat stop herself?' I fly back and I see a shadow fly overhead and smash the ice wall. I look up, it's a tail!! To a dragon!!!!

I glance at Diamond, her eyes are on the dragon, "I'll say it for you Diamond, what the hell?" The dragon lands and on top of it is a girl, she's wearing a purple short dress that comes to her knees and is tight at the top that fades into a black at the hem of the dress along with a billowing cape that flows from her choker, she is wearing black combat boots and her hair is jet black. "You guys need help?" Her eyes match her dress, purple. Her dragon goes to help with Mumbo while she runs over to me.

"So, how do we beat her?" She questions me, wanting to know Diamond's weakness. "You can't I'm Di-Emerald! The assistant makes the show run!" She throws her hands in the air and creates a cloud. "Oh no you don't!" The girl raises her own hands and a gold light streams from it as the storm stops, Diamond looks at her hands. "What'd you do?!" The girl only smirks and puts a finger-less gloved hand on her hip, "sorry, but I can make do I say this....disappear."  She holds her hand out to Diamond and I stop her, "no! She's not an enemy, she's a friend."

Fire blasts past our heads and we have to duck to avoid it. "She's trying to barbecue us and she's supposed to be your friend?" I nod. "All we have to do is get that necklace from her neck and she'll be fine." The girl sighs, "fine." She has two silver bracelets on her wrist and she taps them, they turn into daggers. "I'm Ezzie by the way."

She jumps up and runs at Diamond. As Diamond is about to attack she dodges the attack but releases one of her daggers. The dagger slices straight though the necklace without hurting Diamond. "Whoa." I breathe out. Diamond falls to the ground.

"Diamond!" I catch her just in time. Her eyes are open but she's not responding. "A trans necklace. Smart but this one is weak. If I'm right about this, that means that someone else holds onto her real personality, this was just the necklace to give her a new one." I look at Ezzie wondering how she knows this but I shake it off.

Robin has Mumbo tied up, his wand was broken and he looks old now. "Robin!!" I yell walking with Ezzie and holding Diamond in my arms. "What's up Beast Boy? Is she okay?" I shake my head. "There's a necklace on Mumbo that matches this one." Ezzie holds up the broken necklace and Robin takes it.

Mumbo doesn't have it on his neck but his wrist has the necklace wrapped around it. Robin is about to take it off when Mumbo speaks. "If you remove the necklace without my permission, her personality will be gone forever." He laughs and I get mad as I hand Diamond to Ezzie.

I grab Mumbo's collar. "Let her go or I'll kill you myself." Everyone's eyes widen and they all know I'm not joking. "B-Beast Boy you can't-" I cut off Robin, "I don't care." Mumbo mumbles some words and the necklace falls off his hand. I pick it up and look at Ezzie, who is speaking with Raven quietly.

"Ezzie, how do I do this?" She glances over to me and walks over. "Put it around her neck and then you have to shatter it." I put the necklace on Diamonds neck and then Ezzie uses some type of power to shatter it. We all see a blinding white light come out of it and after it fades, Diamond is unconscious.

We don't speak, after a few seconds, Diamond groans. "Holy shit, that bastard is going down when I see him again." She places a hand to her head and opens her eyes. I stare back into bright gray eyes. "Beast Boy!!" She tackles me in a hug. I sit in shock for a second, then I hug back. "Aw~." We hear above us. 

Diamond's P.O.V

I hear a aw sound come from above, "you guys are so cute!" I feel my eyes twitch as I look up to a girl. "Umm.....who exactly....are you?" I reach for my hoodie and realize it's not there. "I'm Ezzie Short Cake, and- hey are you okay?" She notices my hyperventilating. "M-My hoodie, where is it? Where is it?!" I look around and see Mumbo, I jump on him. "Where the hell is it?!" He looks panicked but gives me an address. "Diamond-" I yell at Robin. "I want my damn hoodie back!!" He holds his hands up in surrender, "fine, just calm down. I'll take you there, titans take Mumbo to jail and Ezzie back to the tower." 

The rest of them leave but Beast Boy doesn't, "Beast Boy-" "I'm going with her Robin." Robin just sighs but gets on his thing I learned was a motorcycle when I saw him and Cyborg working on it. We follow quietly and I'm glad my arms and legs are completely covered, knowing that Mumbo guy he probably used some trick to replace my clothes. "We're here." I get down and run into the warehouse. My old clothes are on a chair on the farthest corner. I rush over to it and grab my hoodie, gripping it tightly. All of a sudden the dim light in the room goes out. 

"R-Robin!? Beast Boy?!" I yell as I'm sitting in the dark. "Diamond!" I hear Beast Boy's voice. I light up a small flame in my hand and throw it into the air. It flares and then dies out. "Anybody see the switch?!" I yell. "No, but walk to your right and you'll be at the door where we are." I turn but bump into something. "Hello Diamond."  His voice sends shivers down my spine and the lights turn on, lighting up the murderer that I hate so much. 

"Bastard." I say and my face swings to the right, I spit out a little bit of blood. "Diamond!!" I hear them yell and I hear their footsteps. "No!! Don't come any closer!" I yell and form an ice barrier in front of them. "So you have friends now? That's funny, I thought I told you to never speak to anyone but me and your Mother. To bad she isn't here now. She'd be so disappointed." I clench my fists. "Shut up!! You don't deserve to speak about her after what you did!" I get punched this time and I feel head scream or was that me? 

"You should know not to disrespect me by now." I hold onto my eye. "I-I'm sorry." I whisper lowly. "I'll let you go this time, but know....I will get you back." The lights go out and flicker back on, he's gone. I drop the ice shield. "Diamond!!" I continue to stare at the same spot. "Let's go back." I say quietly, Beast Boy is about to protest until Robin places a hand on his shoulder.

I ride quietly behind them, thinking to myself all the way back to the tower. One thought continues to appear in my mind.

'Why'd he let me go?

~End of Chapter 4~

Dedicated to @Shadowheart21 who is playing as Ezzie ShortCake. 

Diamond- You just love to see me in pain don't you?

N-No.....I'm not sadistic or a-anything....pssshhhh, no way.....

Beast Boy- =_=' Usually I'm the idiot.


Robin- *sigh* AnimeandMusic doesn't own Teen Titans.

Short and sweet, me likes!! 




I MEAN.....FOLLOW......

Reaper- Idiot.

T.T So mean.

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