Well, This Is Awkward (Taekook)

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Description: Tae was running late this morning and had no clean underwear whatsoever. His sister did throw a brand new pair of girly panties at him though and that just had to do. It wasn't the biggest deal in the world, until he slipped and cut his thigh, having to go to the nurses office and take off his pants.

⚠️Inspired by a tweet I saw⚠️

Tae's POV:
Shit, shit, shit, shit!

"Tae we're gonna be late!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I was struggling to get ready this morning and right now I was having a really hard time trying to find any clean underwear.

I opened my draws and dug through them for the seventh time now, looking for any type of clean underwear to wear. Even if I they were my stupid spongebob boxers I got when I was like ten that for some reason still kind of fit me. I mentally screamed when I couldn't find anything before I heard a knock on my door.

"I know, I know! I can't find any clean underwear," I yelled thinking it was my mom trying to hurry me up again. I almost decided on a pair that weren't the dirtiest until my door flew open and my sister threw a pair of girly panties at me. She closed the door before I could protest though.

I looked at them and noticed how they were a baby pink with some lace detailing and had a little bow in the front. I groaned out before I heard my mom yell again that I had two minutes to get downstairs before she would drag me out by my ear, no matter what I looked like.

I huffed out before ripping the tag off of them and just putting them on. It's not the worst thing in the world and at least I won't be wearing dirty underwear.

I finally put them on and some jeans before I ran downstairs with my backpack and phone in hand. I quickly put some shoes on my feet before dashing to the car as my mom was about to leave.

Everything was going pretty normal today until my clumsy ass slipped on some milk that someone spilled on the cafeteria floor and my pants got caught on the side of a table, ripping them and cutting my leg.

Now here I am in the nurses office awkwardly standing there as I was told to remove my jeans. Not only is our school nurse extremely hot and quite young and asking that I take my pants off, I'M. WEARING. GIRLS. UNDERWEAR.

"You want me to take my pants off?" I panicked.

"Yes, unless you want the cut on your leg to get infected, I suggest you take them off so I can treat you better," he said before turning around to get the equipment ready.

I mentally slapped myself before just saying screw it and finally taking off my pants. When Jungkook, the hot nurse, heard that I took my pants off he looked back at me to tell me to go sit down on the table behind me before he saw what I was wearing and squinted his eyes at me like he was judging my choice of underwear for the day before raising an eyebrow at me and then turning back around to his medical equipment.

I swore I saw him try to hold in a laugh before I awkwardly walked over to the table and sat on it with my arms crossed.

Eventually he had everything ready and attended to the cut on my leg without really reacting anymore to the underwear that I was wearing. Soon enough he was finished and bandaged me up.

"Well you're good go Mr. Kim," Jungkook said as he threw everything away. I thanked him before quickly putting my pants back on so I wasn't in the awkward situation of standing around with my baby pink undies on display.

"If you have any concerns, just come back in and I'll take a look at it. Have a good day and you're pretty pink panties are adorable," he smirked at me.

"Oh my god! I swear I don't wear underwear like this. I just didn't have anything clean this morning and my sister threw them at me and I just went with it." I exclaimed.

"Then you should wear them more often," he winked at me. Oh my god.

"Have a good day," he waved at me while chuckling as I hurriedly left since I could feel my cheeks heating up. That was one of the most embarrassing moments of my life that will gladly never happen again.

Unfortunately, two weeks later and I was in the exact same situation. Except royal blue, silk panties with lace this time and I scraped my knees up while Jimin was trying to show me how to skateboard.

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