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          Vejee continued mixing chemicals in the chemistry lab. It was almost midnight and she was trying to finish her project for the fair that will happen next week. She checked the time and realized it was almost midnight. She started tidying up after a few minutes when suddenly, a loud crash was heard inside the stockroom of the chemistry laboratory.

         "Who's there?" She shouted but no one replied. Starting to get scared, she took her things, figured she'll clean up the rest tomorrow morning.

         She pressed the elevator button; releasing a shaky breath she started humming songs to ease her nerves. Just a little bit more, the elevator is almost at the top floor when the electricity got cut off causing her to shriek in nervousness.

Taking her phone, she opened her flashlight a few seconds after she started receiving pictures of herself eating, studying and even sleeping. She felt her hands started to tremble, trying to open the elevator door crying for help continuously. She started to panick, her eyes welled up at thought of dying.

She then felt her phone vibrating notifying her that she recived a message. It was from an unknown number. She opened the message and all that was written was


As soon as the electricity returned, a pair of arms suddenly grabbed her by the neck as if it was choking her.

         "You don't suppose I remind you what you did in this elevator." The harsh voice of a male whispered in Vejee's ear as she slowly turned red. She started scratching the man's arms but it was no use. Her supply of oxygen was rapidly decreasing, her throat slowly being crushed until blood started to ooze out of her mouth. Slowly, the life was draining out of her, she couldn't even scream for help.

         Vejee's arms dropped her head hung low as blood dripped from her lifeless face. The killer let out a deep contented breath.

The elevator stopped. Taking a gallon of Hydrochloric acid that he got from the chemistry lab a while ago, he slowly poured it on Vejee's lifeless face melting it from flesh to flesh. The smile on his face never faltered, the burning flesh made him happy.


            "Hey Repa, how are you holding up?" I asked as I sat down next to him in the cafeteria.

         "I'm alright. I'm determined to catch the killer no matter what. I can't let Allysa's brutal death be in vain." He said with a determined face. "I guess Allysa doesn't have to feel the pain anymore and I know she's happy wherever she is now."

         "I second that." Lorenzo said with Louise trailing behind him.

         "If you're trailing the killer then you better do it fast. I heard my father handling another murder case last night. I think it was in building B where the chemistry lab is." Renzo said, dark bags visible under his eyes. Poor Lorenzo, I'm sure he hasn't been sleeping too. None of us could.

         "It's like a killing spree that happens every week. " Louise added.

         "That, and it happens during the night somewhere near the school. All of them are girls but who knows a guy might be next." Repa said eating his burger when suddenly a random girl sat next to him causing all of us to look at her.

         "Hey guys, I'm Jamie nice to meet you all. I'm part of the detective club, I heard what you guys were talking about. If you're interested in looking for the murderer or have any information why don't you come down to our clubroom." She said smiling at all of us before leaving.

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