Chapter One

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Third Person point's of view.

2013, 15, November.

Harry stedies his tie that was stuck to his neck annoyingly. He sighs as he thinks of what probably will happen when the action Harry had dreamt about for three years happens in reality. That action was about him and Louis. About them coming out. These two words sound scary to Harry's ears. He is terrified if everyone would yell at him with rude words everyday because he was bisexual. He is scared if him and Louis ever got the feeling of depression because of the coming hate. Most of the world is homophobic, also stupid for hating on people that didn't cause any harm to any soul. Harry shook his head frequently, trying to remove the thoughts away. The thoughts dissapeared and Harry was proud. He clicked on the head of the 'Loyãl' perfume that he had on the stand. The drops fell on Harry's button-up, giving it a fabulous smell. Louis knocked on the door then the door knob was swung and the door opened. Louis was wearing a black and clean suit, his hair was messy at the same time stylish. Harry always loved the fringe that was covering his boyfriend's forehead and sometimes made its way in Louis' brilliant blue eyes.

"You look beautiful. Harry do you believe it is the day we are going to be free and i will stop going out with girls either you?" Louis stares in awe at Harry's hair that was pulled to the back. Few fringes and curls falling on his temple. He looked handsome, without any flaws or quirks.

"I don't believe it," Harry rolled his eyes playfully. Louis kept his body pressed against the door frame. Not wanting to go and ruin Harry's lips that were smoothed in 'Baby Lips' lipstick, same with his hair that was covered in few sprayes.

"Let's go on the red carpet and do what we want." Louis grinned nervously. Invisible crinkles surrounded his eyes. Harry stared questiongly and got it. Louis is nervous as Hell.

The boyfriends walked outside of the room and a blonde lad was leaning against the hall's wall. Sighing dramatically, he followed Harry and Louis outside. Liam and Zayn were already standing on the red carpet. Harry's eyes shut as they met the flashing cameras. He stepped away from Louis a bit. Their plan is about to happen. Zayn flashed a sneaky grin to Louis and then grabbed the mic. Louis' heart began beating out of his chest. Zayn licked his lips before speaking into the mic,

"Please record this and capture. Something big is about to happen right now, be quiet, please?" Zayn speaks happily. "We are now on the red carpet and we're going to make an annoucment. It's the best for them both if you didn't comment rudely, now start? Louis?" he looks over at Louis who was swallowing his lower lip, looking at the huge crowd. He stepped closer to where Harry's spot was, not breaking eye contact with the crowd. Few girls screamed at the simple step. Louis looked to Harry and smiled nervously. His eyes were hurting, the cameras were going wild. Louis reached his hand infront of Harry's black suit. His fingers stretched, waiting for Harry to take them in his. Harry looked to Louis and stepped closer, their hips now were touching, Harry eyes watered and his smiled a big smile, showing his teeth. His bigger hand intwinded Louis' feminine fingers in his. They smiled at eachother hugely. The girls now were fully screaming. Everyone's ears were drumming. Louis glanced to the lads. He reached the hand which wasn't holding Harry's hand for Zayn, taking the mic. He turned to Harry and the moment nobody -Ever- thought would happen, happened.

Their lips collided together, eyes shut. The cameras went wild, the number of the clicks the lads heard were infinite. This moment was unbelievable. The fans weren't sure if they were dreaming or if this was reality. Harry pulled away, Looking at the fans. Few of them even held signs saying 'Bravery'. Harry smiled lovingly at the fans, the fans who were always beside Harry's and Louis' 'Secret' relationship. Now they were free to do whatever they need. Louis mumbled something into the mic.

"Me and Harry have been dating for two years, maybe less. It was one of the biggest secret of ours, our manager didn't allow us to be free because of the hate and all the shit we know is coming. We dropped the contract with modest. Honestly, me and Harry thought it was time. Time to stop the dating rumors, time to stop the dates with random girls, time to stop everything that hide us. We're thankful for the fans who always stoop by our side. Our fans, we know what matter or whatever we did, they aren't going to leave us. Because they are true fans. I'm also thankful for the fans who supported mine and Eleanor's relationship, Well we weren't dating, We are just really good friends. I guess i told Eleanor about today. Didn't anyone see her?" Louis explains, also asking for Eleanor.

Louis, Harry, and the lads smiled brightly when they saw a brunette and pretty girl sneaking under the red carpet's ropes and gaurds. running to Louis and Harry. She jumped into Louis arms comfortably.

"I couldn't forget that Loubear! i was squeaking and grinning all time since i heard what you said about today! Did you guys really come out because i can't believe it." She screams in the mic Louis was holding and then she gulped away from his arms. She winked at Harry. Everyone 'Awe'd loudly.

"Yes we did! El, can we be in touch? I don't want to lose contact with an amazing friend like you," Louis whispers. Eleanor smiles and says 'We could never lose contact Boo.'

The greatest mic said that it was time for Justin Bieber to show on the red carpet. One Direction walked to their seats patiently. Harry and Louis interwining hands, Eleanor grinning at them every second passes by. Some fans came panting for breathes, Looking at 'Larry'. Louis and Harry were happy no body yelled rude words. Nobody ruined their plan, everything went succesfully.

That's how they wanted it.

2014, 21, July.

Zayn entered the flat that Louis and Harry share, holding a magazine with an article of One Direction inside it. His footsteps clicking loudly, waiting for the two lovebirds to appear in the hall way. Shuffling and shifting sounds were heard from their bedroom. Zayn chuckled, guessing what was happening there. Louis appeard first, looking all messy. His hair looked like it was pulled, panting for breathes, only in grey t-shirt and boxers. Harry appears next, Everything same as Louis, except that he was shirtless. He pressed his chin on Louis' shoulder, fingers removing the his fringes from his forehead. Zayn smiled at them both.

"Hard-core, guys." He takes a deep breathe, "This magazine holds an article of us, and both of you." He says, handing them the colorful magazine.

Louis hums, trying to hold in a laugh. He held the colorful papers, swinging them until he finds the 'One Direction' written in big, red, and capital letters on the top of the page. Louis marks it and tell Zayn to leave, winking at him. Zayn chuckled because he knows what's written in the article. As the door was shut, Louis pushed Harry against the couch and offered for him to read their part. Harry smiled smugly at his boyfriend. Louis sat at the corner of the sofa, far away from Harry. Harry started reading loudly and sarcastically.

"Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson from the pop band 'One Direction' came out as homosexuals in 2013 November. Now, we're in 2014 July, and Louis is already preparing to propose to Harry. That fast? When is the baby may be coming too? Find out in 2015." Harry reads the article aloud enough for Louis to hear, and furrows his eyebrows.

"You want to get engaged to me and adobt a baby in 2015?" Harry asks in disbelieve, staring at Louis.

"Why not? Get married to you, if you agree. A baby girl, a baby boy. . .Maybe twins, i've always wanted twins." Louis smiles softly at Harry who stumbles from the couch and jumps to hug Louis.

"Why not? Yes i agree to marry you! is that even a question? Adopt twins! i always dreamt of that with you oh god." He says then attacks Louis with wet, open mouth kisses. Tears of joy were welling at the corner of his eyes because his dream is finally becoming reality.


Love, Mariam, xx ]

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