The Glow Awards: Winner of the Romance/Chicklit genre!

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Hello everyone!
Now we have a new genre, full of winners!

As usual, we want to thank our judges for judging. Thanks to and to Xohrats and PinkSophora for judging!

Let's present our winners!




The third place goes to...

Scarlet Love Completed
Written by the author: Blush_girl96
You scored: 37/50



The second place goes to...

Written by the author: ShawMcKnight
You scored 42/50



And lastly, the first place goes to...

A Light In My Darkness
Written by the author: Xanatos271
You scored: 49/50 
Congratulations! You almost scored 50 out of 50, that's amazing!

So, congratulations to all of our winners! 
Come and say congratulations to them! :D

All of the winners will get a private message soon. I have a lot going on this and next week and therefore the private messages could be on a delay, but don't worry, you will receive it soon. 

Have a nice day!


Here are your prizes! (We will hand them out as soon as possible!)
Ps...Some prizes will be handed out much later.

Winner (1st place)

A cover.
A follow from our account.
A shout-out on our profile.
A review of the said book.
A shout-out on our personal accounts.
A shout-out on 's Wattpad Facebook page.

First-runner up (2nd place)

A follow from our account.
A shout-out on our profile.
A review of the said book.
A shout-out on our personal accounts.

Second-runner up (3rd place)

A follow from our account.
A shout-out on our profile.
A review of the said book.

The Glow Awards | 2017 | Judging Stage (No more entries)Where stories live. Discover now