The Glow Awards: Rules and Guidelines

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Before we start on the long and exciting journey, we need to establish some rules and regulations.

I know that no one likes rules, but life is not fair. If it was, then I would have been floating in cookies.

Rules and Regulations

First of all, Spread the word like wildfire! Tag everyone! We might have a tagging fest, but who knows? *wink wink*

1. No haters. Comments including any type of hate would be immediately deleted. If things get heated between two users, then kindly take it out somewhere else. Comments pertaining any hate towards someone or something specific will be immediately deleted.

- No bribing the judges.

2. Your story must be in English language if you want it to be selected. Unfortunately, we are a small community with just English speakers.

3. Books containing explicit and obscene scenes will not be selected. Books in which two characters partake in any kind of sexual activities are not allowed. To put it simply, no smut/lemon or salad and whatever that means.

- However, you can submit books with profanities/blood and gore.

4. Any kind of genre and stories are selected. Excluding Erotica.

5. Only the stories under 15k reads can be entered in the awards.

6. Your story must have at least 6 chapters published. Intros, Casts, Playlists do not count. If you are submitting a oneshot, then that too must be completed and edited.

- If you are submitting a short story with less than 6 chapter then it must be completed. If it is not completed and under 6 chapters, then the rule applies on it.

Psst, here's the password; GlOw2k17
It will be asked in the forms. You know, just to make sure that you read the rules.

7. Your story must have a cover, as points are given for the cover too.

8. Stories pertaining incest will be immediately disqualified.

- Stories romanticizing or normalizing rape or abuse will also be disqualified.

9. There will be 20 stories and 2 judges per genre.

10. You can nominate more than 2 stories, but they must be in different genres. Remember, 3 is the limit.

11. Add the tag #GlowAwards2017 in your book. It's a great recommendation to spread the world and we would preferly like you to put the tag. Although, if you don't have the space for it, it is fine, then you don't have to.

That's all! No more rules! It would be easy to remember them, right?

If you have any further queries and confusion, comment here.

The Glow Awards | 2017 | Judging Stage (No more entries)Where stories live. Discover now