Sixth Update: 4th of March 2018 (long)

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DiamondSkys here again. 

Here come a few updates on how everything is going at the moment with this contest.

1. The deadline for getting out all the results would have been 1st of March. Unfortunately, we have lost connection with a few of our judges, but it's okay because we have judges. They just need extra time in order to judge the books that are left.

The new deadline will perhaps come out very soon, although for now, we will keep getting out the results as soon as we get the scores in.

Random entries   
Short Story Entries  
Teen Fiction 

2. As you can see we have received the scores for the Action/Adventure genre, but we are still unsure of who is going to win that genre because we have found some problems. HOLD ON! We will as soon as we know how to handle this issue, then we will be presenting the winners.

3. Thanks to everyone who entered our small contest called "The Valentines Day Contest". We will discuss who is going to win (we will only have one winner.) We in the #ProjectSonorous team will decide together who will win, although sometimes we don't really have time to discuss things so in the worst case, I will be deciding a winner alone. (I hope you guys are fine with that.) Therefore the new deadline on when the winner will be announced is 11th of March 2018.
(This means that if we in the #ProjectSonorous team haven't had time to discuss before this date, then I DiamondSkys will choose a winner by myself.)

4. We know that all the winners (applies to 1st place winners) in this contest haven't received their shout-out on Coolcourtney's facebook page yet or the (applies to 1st and 2nd place winners) haven't received their shout-out on CoolCourtney's profile page, although perhaps she will announce all the winners in the contest at the same time when this contest ends.

Some winners haven't received (applies to 1st and 2nd place winners) a shout-out on bumble-vee's profile page. Although she will do it as soon as she can. I hope! :D

+ Don't worry, we have a hidden chapter called "ALL THE WINNERS (Prizes left to hand out". So we are fully aware of what prizes haven't been handed out yet.

Sorry for making this update so long, but I just want you all to know how everything is going here! 

(If you have any questions regarding the contest, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can!)

//DiamondSkys(If you have any questions regarding the contest, please contact us and we will respond as soon as we can!)

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