{8} A Werewolf Mate in the Loup Garou Forest

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**Akela's POV**

I looked down at my mom, lying in a pool of her own crimson blood, her eyes staring blankly up at me. I could feel my eyes changing to a royal purple. A piercing scream filled the room and I realized it was coming from my mouth. I looked around at my mother's murderers, wolves, staring at me in awe and confusion. My eyes continued roaming until they landed on the sliding glass door. It acted as a mirror because of the dark night behind it.

As I listened, my scream turned to a roar. I watched my reflection in the glass door. In a normal situation, I would not have believed what I heard or saw. As I watched, I saw a helpless crying girl turn into a large powerful tiger. I could see and feel my clothes ripping off me and my body rippling, stretching, popping, and cracking. I looked down at my dead mother, then at the wolves again in rage. I barely noticed my eyes change from dark purple to a midnight black.

As I stared at the wolves, my rage grew. I roared in a fury, making the glass door shatter, and a shard of glass pierced the nearest wolf. I could see the large shard of glass sticking out of the wolf's stomach and I could hear him drowning on his once life giving blood. As I listened, I watched the other wolves, waiting for them to make the first move.

The pack started circling; each one afraid to get too close to the tiger whose roar could shatter a glass door. As I turned to keep my eye on the largest wolf, I saw a streak of grey lunge for my neck. I quickly turned, and with one strike of my enormous clawed paw, hit the wolf in the head. I heard a sickening snap before the grey wolf fell to the ground, dead.

The rest of the pack looked at their two fallen comrades quickly and with a snarl, began their attack. The two smaller wolves circled to my flank while the three larger wolves attacked from the front. Chaos broke loose and filled the room in a mixture of growls, snarls, and moans. The pack lunged and I went down with five wolves on top of me, biting and clawing. The wolves had only one thing on their minds: "Kill her. Rip her neck open."

I warily rolled over onto my back. Somehow, I knew that this was dangerous because my belly was exposed to the wolves' sharp claws and teeth, but I also knew it was my only chance at survival. The wolves let go as soon as I started rolling over, but almost immediately resumed their attack on my exposed stomach. I lashed out at them with my four paws, teeth, and even my tail. My tail swiped underneath one of the unsuspecting wolves, knocking his feet out from under him. Still lashing out, fighting with all my strength, I kicked the fallen wolf in the face. His head twisted sideways and I could hear the snap.

Another wolf, I caught in the stomach. I could hear my claws tearing through his flesh and breaking his ribs. He fell to the ground moaning. His filleted stomach was spilling his intestines onto the ground. His blood soaked into the already crimson carpet.

With the three larger wolves still snapping at my neck, I continued clawing, trying to get them off long enough for me to get to my feet. The largest wolf bit into my front paw causing me to howl in pain. I shook him off and manage to get to my feet. I swiped at the wolf that bit into my paw, leaving claw marks across his face and back.

The other two uninjured wolves jumped on my back. I rolled over, once again, landing on one wolf knocking the breath out of him and breaking the leg of the other. I swiped at both wolves missing the one with the broken leg, but managing to rip out the throat of the wolf that I knocked the breath out of. He was dead within seconds from blood loss and drowning.

I stood up to face the remaining two wolves. They growled at me while I glared at them with my still pitch black eyes. The largest wolf, the one with the scratches, circled around behind me while the other one limped to crouch in front. They both leapt toward me at the same time. The wolf to my front miscalculated his jump because of his injured leg. I crushed him under my front paw, breaking his back.

While I was killing the wolf in front of me, the bleeding wolf realized his chances of winning were low and leapt out of the broken door. I watched him run for his life. As soon as he was out of my sight, I could feel weariness take over my body. I felt myself change back into a human while I painfully crawled to my dead mother. I grabbed her corpse and pulled it into my lap. My eyes changed to a dark blue for my grief.

I roared for the death of the only person to love me before I fell into dark nothingness.

A Werewolf Mate in the Loup Garou Forest (completed)Where stories live. Discover now