Chapter 17 - Grand Romantic Gestures

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Hey, hey hey! It's been a while, hasn't it? Sorry about that. But I'm back now, cause nothing makes me want to write more than putting off homework. This chapter is kind of a two part one, so the next half should be up pretty soon. Be sure to comment and let me know what you think will happen!

Draco was running through the halls. Which was a big deal. A big, hairy deal. Because he really hated running. Running was undignified and just generally awful. So why was he running?

Neville Freaking Longbottom.

Neville Longbottom, of all people, was going to smite Draco where he stood. He was going to smite Draco's bloody arse off if he managed to catch him. It was going to be bloody and awful, and Draco really did not fancy being arseless for the rest of his very short life. 

Sadly, this wasn't even the first time this had happened this week. It was something like the fifth. Neville was surprisingly excellent at finding Draco and chasing him. And he was starting to figure out where Draco normally hid. So that was an issue. Of course, the real issue was that dealing with Neville on a daily basis was keeping Draco from making his Grand Gesture. And he needed to make a Grand Gesture to win Luna back.

That was also something Neville had an issue with. Hence to chasing and attempted smiting.

Draco wasn't even sure how Neville had found out that Draco fancied the pants off Luna, let alone found out that he was trying to orchestrate a Grand Gesture to make up for being a ginormous prick. But he had a sneaking suspicion that a certain red-haired female of the Weasley variety had ratted him out. Which really was awful, because Draco's Grand Gesture was going to woo the hell out of Luna, provided he lived long enough to put it into action. 


Oh bugger. It sounded like Neville was pretty damn close behind, and Draco was nowhere near a good hiding place. He might actually have to face Neville's wrath, whatever that looked like.

Or, you could duck into that alcove, turn your back, and pray to Merlin that Longbottom is so enraged that he'll run right past you without looking too closely. 

That...wasn't the worst idea Draco had ever had. So, he ducked into what he thought was an alcove but was actually just a wall with a lot of unnecessary shadows surrounding it, bounced off, and fell flat on his back. 

You fool! His mind crowed, sounding far too gleeful for someone who was supposed to be helpful. You're going to get the stuffing beaten out of you by Neville Longbottom! Just wait until everyone hears!

Draco did not particularly fancy the idea of getting the stuffing beaten out of him by Neville Longbottom, but who was he to disagree with his own mind? His brain had spoken! Its word was law! He might as well just accept his fate!

Another, quieter and slightly more sane part of his brain whispered, You've been spending too much time with Jeremy. You're picking up his dramatic tendencies. 

Thankfully, before Draco could get into a real argument with himself about why he was being so dramatic, Neville dragged him up off the floor by the collar of his robes and smacked him into the wall. The knock on the back of his skull finally managed to shut Draco's mind up, and he managed to think clearly enough to sneer at Neville.

"What do you want, Longbottom?"

"What exactly are you planning on doing to Luna."

Don't you dare say you're planning on wooing her, you wanker. That'll just make him angrier.

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