Chapter 12 - Another Letter Home

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Dear Father,

I have befriended Luna Lovegood. This might surprise you as I often do not mention her when I speak to you or Mother. I imagine you would be less surprised if I told you that Harry Potter and I were romantically involved, given how often I speak of him. However, I regret to inform you that I have been heart over head in love with Loony Luna Lovegood since fourth year.

She's a delight, Father. And Jeremy, a first year Muggle Born is just as wonderful. I am taking care of him, as many of the Slytherins are unkind to him because of his parentage. He's quite smart though, and has already saved my dignity more than once.

Once of his shining moments was getting me involved with a talent competition at the school. I'm to be Luna's partner! I am nervous, but very excited to try and take part. I think it will be fun to finally do something just for me.

Don't worry, my studies are not falling behind because of this venture. I am still second only because of Granger's astounding intellect.

I love you and Mother, both, and tell Mother that I will write her a personal letter as soon as possible and that I would love to bring Luna home for the spring holidays.

Love, Draco

Draco watched the letter burn up in the Slytherin common room fire place before starting a new one.

Dear Father,

I am participating in a talent competition at school. Rest assured I will bring pride to the Malfoy name. The judges won't know what hit them.

The reason I am a contestant is because Luna Lovegood, my new friend, is taking part and asked me to be her partner. I agreed because of a passing interest in her.

That lettered burned too.


Things are going well. But my attention has been pulled from my school work recently, because of a talent competition in which I am taking part. That Lovegood girl signed me up as her partner and I didn't have the heart to hex her.

A Slytherin child has also taken shelter in my shadow. I'm taking care of him while coming ever closer to destroying Granger in the classroom.

With a sigh, that note was eaten my the flames.


That stupid headmaster, Dumbledore, has thought up his dumbest idea yet. A talent competition. I, of course, think it is a horrendously stupid idea, but I am forced to be a part of it because that Lovegood girl tricked me into being her partner and Dumbledore managed to magically obligate students to take part once their names were written on the sign up list.

I shall think of a suitable punishment for both Dumbledore and the Lovegood chit, rest assured.

In other news, I have managed to make a first year Slytherin my subordinate. I am doing well in my classes, second only to that Mudblood, Granger.  Tell Mother I will write her a letter soon.

Your son,


• • •

Short, I know, but I've been thinking about a chapter like this for a while and I thought it was a nice, short, in-between chapter. I'll try and update soon with more of the actual plot and story.

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