Chapter 14 - The Maybe Date-ish Thing

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This was going to maybe be a bonus chapter, but here we are, right in the middle of the story, so that's exciting. (Also, are we ready for a date and maybe a kiss??????!!!!!!!! Is it going to happen or am I being awful and teasing? Who knows!)

Luna was staring up at the sky from the top of the Astronomy Tower. The stars were looking particularly bright, and she was enjoying watching them wink and smile. There had been a couple up here a while ago, but they had taken one look at Luna and wandered off, grumbling about how the loonies always took the good spots.

Luna didn't really mind being called a loony if it meant she got the tower to herself. Well, herself and Draco. She assumed. He had yet to make an appearance, and Luna was getting cold. With a slight smile, she crossed her arms and continued to try and pick out constellations.

• • •

Draco was frozen on the stairs, halfway to the top of the Astronomy Tower. It was really quite uncomfortable. He had one foot raised, about to set it down on a step, and he was mid-step, up on his toes, with the other foot. He hadn't even been able to move when some snot-nosed fifth-years wandered past him, complaining about 'Loony taking up the whole roof'. In fact, that might have been the point when Draco froze. Because even though Luna had said she'd be there, Draco had pretty much convinced himself that she was lying and he didn't have to worry about actually conversing. But apparently she was up there. Waiting. For him. And his leg was cramping up.

Draco, you're so dumb that some days I think you might actually be related to Potter, except your arse isn't as nice.

Shut up. My leg hurts.

*sigh* If you would move, you might get feeling back in it.

Draco moved. But only because he fell over. His knee finally gave out and down he went. He smacked his back on the stairs hard enough to knock the wind out of his lungs, and he lay there for a while, wheezing and pitying himself. If it hadn't been for his awful, no good brain, he probably would have just stayed there and hoped that Luna would be mildly upset at his disappearance. But as it was, his brain was not down with that at all.

Draco. Malfoy.

Oh Merlin, here it comes.


I am waiting to be swallowed by the dark forever of obscurity.


Because Luna is at the top of these stairs, waiting for me.

In the back of Draco's mind, he could have sworn he heard a Muggle song start playing. It was something about tigers' eyes. It was pretty catchy and immensely inspiring. His brain started humming until it was talking in time to the music, getting ready for a real speech, Draco, this is it. For realsies. Game day. Of the playoffs. Luna Lovegood, the most lovely, happy, pure person you've ever seen in real life is waiting for you up there. And she's waiting for something that is maybe, kind of a date-type thing. Are you going to let her wait? No! Because you're Draco Bloody Malfoy, and you own this! So get up off your arse, dust yourself off, and GET! THE! GIRL!

Draco opened his eyes, empowered like nobody's business, and screamed like a little girl. Luna was leaning over him, with her head tilted to the side. Draco snapped his eyes shut again, fully prepared to ignore everything his brain had just said. This time, the floor really was going to swallow him whole, because he was pretty sure he had said most of the pep talk out loud. But apparently, the floor was a slow eater.

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