Chapter 1

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I stand in front of my brand new high school, in front of the special building. I'm now a student that is label as a special, only few are selected to be specials and I'm one of them. There's no announcement that include going in the gym since only few are presented and it's mostly use for the regulars.

I walk to the hallway the interior of my new school was like a western modern architecture. There were students that was lounging or walking their way to the next class. I keep walking around trying to see where my homeroom is but to no avail I was lost.

I tried to ask different students but there were too busy to help me and need to go somewhere else. I sighed as I ask another person, a woman who seems older than me. Her hair was tied in a ponytail and her clothes were white polo with a black sleeveless vest, black pants and black venetian-style shoes. She was also carrying some heavy books. I tap her shoulders as I ask the direction for my destination

"Ah! That! Turn left at the east wing then right that class should be it" She said as I gave her my thanks and started to walk I heard her call back but I wasn't too sure if it was me or she was calling someone and I don't want to get embarrass at being mistaken so I didn't turn around.

I followed her direction and ended up...At the swimming pool? I must have taken a wrong turn. I was about to head back when I heard a loud sound getting my attention. I turn around and see a tan skin girl in swimsuit attire, dripping wet. She has a towel above her head. I was about to continue to return and trying to find where is my classroom is? Like I'm either lost or my classroom is non-existence.

"You seem lost" The girl asks, drying her hair. "I could call a student administrative to show you around if you like"

"Student administrative?" I said. I never heard of them before all I know is that there is a group of students that act like a senate or a council but the girl could be talking about that.

"They help transferee know the places in these parts of school they should have know your arrival and sent you a student to guide you" The girl explains as she finishes drying her hair and body. She looks at me and chuckled "Let me guess you never gotten the news a student was going to guide you"

"No not at all"

"As expected from Gin" She sighed "Gin Waren was in charge at guiding the transferees this year but it looks like that he fall asleep at the desk again... wait here I'll guide you instead"

The girl then leaves and went into a small shed. She came back in with a different outfit. She wore a simple black jacket, a white blouse with a neck tie, she have short with black stocking and a brown boots. Her hair was still wet and little water going to her clothes.

"Since I'm ready let go to the place you said" She said as we went back to where I was before.

"Isn't our destination at the east wing?" I asked, she nodded "Then why did you exit the east wing?"

"East wing?..oh" She let out a restrained laughed "So that's why you're lost that thing you enter isn't the east wing but the west wing"

"Are you from the Student administrative?" I asked her

"Nope but I'm fairly have close ties with them since because of my brother is one" She said and got to a full stop. A door was in front of us, it was indeed my homeroom. I looked up to the girl and bowed, giving her my gratitude.

"Thank you for taking your time to guide me here" I said as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see her trying to avert her eyes. I looked back confuse.

"Well, that's what classmates do" She replied. I was awestruck then the word 'classmate' struck my mind then if means that

"Were in the same class?" I asked. She nodded as she open the door and enter, a blonde hair male approach her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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